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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on Mental Health in Pennsylvania Adults

Essay Instructions:

I. Analysis of the Health Issue:

A. Outline the underlying economic principles and indicators at play using specific examples. To what extent do those principles and indicators

apply in understanding your chosen public health issue?

B. Demonstrate the economic impacts of your public health issue. Provide specific examples of each impact.

C. Analyze the larger context within which your chosen public health issue exists. To what extent is the issue a product of larger socioeconomic


D. Examine the major healthcare organizations impacted by the public health issue. How are they currently acting and reacting to the issue?


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Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health in Pennsylvania Adults
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The Effects of COVID-19 Pandemic on the Mental Health in Pennsylvania Adults
I. Analysis of the Health Issue:
A. Economic Principles and Indicators
The COVID-19 pandemic has had a major effect on people around the country, especially the Pennsylvania residents. According to the Centers for Diseases Control and Prevention (CDC), many people face issues that can be overwhelming, stressful. They can result in strong emotions among adults (Czeisler et al., 2020). In addition, the public health actions that have been put in place to curb the spread of the virus, such as social distancing measures and curfews, have resulted in feelings of loneliness and isolation, leading to a rise in cases of anxiety and stress. Learning to handle stress is important since it ensures that the person is resilient. Economic indicators and principles that align with the public health issue of mental problems due to COVID-19 include income, commodities and food prices, health policies, technology, employment, and income (Czeisler et al. 2020). These indicators and principles are applicable in improving awareness regarding the COVID-19 epidemic and helping people cope with the mental health issues that arise due to the virus.
B. Economic Impacts of the Health Issue
The economic impacts of COVID-19 on mental health on adults in Pennsylvania are the costs needed to control the disease. The costs of food have been on the rise due to the virus. Food and other commodities are important since it ensures the person is healthy and can recover from the disease. It is imperative to offer high-quality foods that can improve people’s immunity since the disease does not have a cure. People have to learn how to control it to minimize the devastating effects of the disease, such as being stressed due to lack of food and other commodities. If a person struggles to get these commodities, they can start to suffer from m...
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