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Discussion: Workplace Environment Assessment

Essay Instructions:

How healthy is your workplace?

You may think your current organization operates seamlessly, or you may feel it has many issues. You may experience or even observe things that give you pause. Yet, much as you wouldn’t try to determine the health of a patient through mere observation, you should not attempt to gauge the health of your work environment based on observation and opinion. Often, there are issues you perceive as problems that others do not; similarly, issues may run much deeper than leadership recognizes.

There are many factors and measures that may impact organizational health. Among these is civility. While an organization can institute policies designed to promote such things as civility, how can it be sure these are managed effectively? In this Discussion, you will examine the use of tools in measuring workplace civility.

To Prepare:

Review the Resources and examine the Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory, found on page 20 of Clark (2015).

Review and complete the Work Environment Assessment Template in the Resources.

To the writer:

References should be between 4 to 6 or more.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Discussion: Work Environment Assessment
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Discussion: Work Environment Assessment
Results summary based on Clark Healthy Workplace Inventory

There were mixed results from the assessment.
The organizational members had satisfactory level of a shared vision, mission and communication based on trust, respect, and collegiality.
The staff satisfactorily agree on the level of trust between and among formal leadership.
Teamwork and collaboration are evident in the organization.
Mentoring programs are adequate and effective.
Moral and motivation among employees is high.
There is huge workload which sometimes can overwhelm staff.
Employee wellness and self-care is relatively high.
Salaries, benefits, compensations, and other rewards are average.
Most employees report being treated fairness and respect.
Disagreements and conflict are often amicable resolved

Two surprising things that about the results and one idea that you believe before confirming thought assessment.

High level of motivation and morale despite average salaries and high workload.
The satisfactory believe in leadership
I generally belief that the outcomes on communication, leadership and motivations, amongst employees would be satisfactory.

What do the results of the Assessment suggest about the health and civility of your workplace?

The assessment findings in in our workplace showed high level of civility. The concept of civility in workplace encompasses all behavioral patterns that involve mutual respect and concerns for others in work place. In our organization, civility is secured via effective communication, practical and trustable leadership, that are supported with respect, trust and fairness.
The results suggest that there is a positive relationship between civility and organizational performance.

Brief description of the theory presented in the article(s) you selected and how it relates to the organizational assessment.

In the article by Clark et al 2011), the authors theoretically postulate that improving civility in workplaces could contribute to safe working conditions, improved quality of care and reduce healthcare costs. The theoretical model presented by the authors centers on improved communication which is clear and accurate: sharing of information toward a shared goal: enhancing collegiality: developing mutually respectful and meaningful relationship amongst staff and creating autonomy, granting others the authority and capability to function independently to attain a goal. The model also involves increasing accountability where individuals are held for outcomes resulting from their decisions and behavior or actions.
The authors unravel linkages between nursing education and practice, and practical and effective strategies that foster civility to enhanc...
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