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Vulnerable Populations: Effectiveness of Resources in the Community Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the following:

-How effective are the resources in your community for the vulnerable populations (My community is Hialeah , FL)

- In which areas is there room for improvement?

Essay should be formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources not older than five years.

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Vulnerable Populations
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Effectiveness of Resources in the Community
Hialeah, a city in Miami, Florida, with over 230,000 people, is considered “The City of Progress.” As the sixth-largest city in Florida, it is home to diverse populations, among them various vulnerable populations, which include the elderly, the homeless, migrants agricultural workers, residents of public housing, and maltreated children (Florida Association of Community Health Centers, 2021, b). Nevertheless, its wide range of resources has been effective in supporting these vulnerable populations.
The Local Service Program has been instrumental in providing the elderly with meals. With 23.6 percent of the population being 65 and older, they contend with declining health, care, and access to basic needs. Thus, the program came in to provide hot lunches to the elderly population residing in Hialeah in the various public institutions, elderly homes, and even those living at home. The program ensures to meet the nutritional needs of this group of people and educates them on how to monitor their eating habits (Florida Association of Community Health Centers, 2021, b). Consequently, it has ensured the elderly's access to a nutritious meal every day, promoting good health.
Programs to help the vulnerable population access health care have led to an increase in the number of people who access local health services. The Center for Research on US Latino, HIV/AIDS & Drug Abuse came up with a mobile health app designed to reach the vulnerable population to the local health care services. Since almost all people own and can operate a smartphone, the app listed health services, such as mental health, substance abuse, HIV services, and the locations where individuals could get them. Consequently, people living in poverty, those without insurance, and the homeless continue to access much-needed specialized healthcare.
The agricultural workers in Hialeah face unique problems, such as exposure to environmen...
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