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Specialist in Group Fitness: Zumba Fitness Program Analysis

Essay Instructions:

Answer the following as completely as possible. You need to show that you comprehensively understand the subject of the question and communicate your thoughts clearly. Feel free to use personal experience and external sources (cited) to support your answers.


Describe a branded fitness program (P90X, Bodypump, Zumba, Crossfit, etc.) in which you have participated. Describe the short term and long term adaptations (think aerobic, anaerobic, strength, endurance, cardiovascular, etc.) of these programs including their benefits and limitations. The goal here is to demonstrate your understanding of training methods and their training effect. Explain how the program you chose could fit into a comprehensive fitness plan.

File type: .doc, .docx, .pdf

Requirements: answers must be in your own words, 300-word minimum

Grading Criteria

Possible Points

Did you choose an appropriate program to analyze?


Did you demonstrate that you have actually participated yourself through some specific knowledge of the program?


Did you properly identify short-term benefits and limitations?


Did you properly identify long-term benefits and limitations?


Did you properly identify faults or weaknesses with the program and offer reasonable modifications to make it both more comprehensive and relevant to the stated goal?


Available points for excellent ideas or insights, creativity, initiative, depth, etc.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Zumba Fitness Program
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Zumba Fitness Program
Describing the Branded Fitness Program
Zumba is one of the most common body fitness programs. It comprises a Latin and international fast tempo music dance style with high energy with salsa and aerobics. Therefore, Zumba satisfies body fitness programs' requirements and enhances proper food digestion and body relaxation (Donath, Roth, Hohn, Zahner, & Faude, 2014). Zumba has six basic steps. One, stand upright with both feet close. Second, make a small step on your right and slightly bend both knees. Thirdly, return the right leg to the middle. Fourthly, make a small step on your left and slightly bend both knees. Fifthly, relax your whole body as you try the above processes faster. Finally, swing even your hips as you repeat the above procedures. Zumba is an easy body fitness program that is more fun than tiring.
Zumba Short Term and Long Term Adaptations, Advantages, Disadvantages, and Solutions
In the short term, Zumba helps to improve the cardiovascular system. The fast movement and increased speed of the body movement help in increasing the heart rates. The high heart rates help in the circulation of oxygenated blood in the body muscles. The heart also experiences forceful contractions due to the increased blood supply and heart rates. Besides, the program involves music, a combination of slow and high music, making it pleasing and mind relaxing. The music and the movements that go along with the music helps in neural and memory improvements. Zumba involves a group hence creating a chance to meet new people, thus widening their social circle. Zumba is also mood-enhancing (Nieri & Hughes, 2016). It is also a full-body workout since it involves the movement of all body parts. However, Zumba may be limited to individuals with respiratory diseases like asthma. The program fastens the heart rates and blood circulation that may not fit these people and may cause dizziness, dehydration, and fainting cases. Zumba is fun; hence risks of over-exercising are high and may cause tiredness and prolonged muscle relaxation.
In the long run, Zumba reduces the chances of lifestyle diseases like diabetes and obesity since calories are burned. Therefore, it helps maintain healthy body weight (Haghjoo, Zar, & Hoseini, 2016). It will also help improve cardiovascular fitness as it helps in proper breathing, blood pump...
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