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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Effectiveness of Early Dysphagia Screening

Essay Instructions:

Hi, please find attached the feedback that I received from the professor for Capstone 5. Please fix so I can resubmit.

With your capstone 5, refer to it as a project (EBP) and participants not subjects. Make sure your paper throughout reads project, not research. With the methodology, include any instruments in appendix. As you write survey (see Appendix A) and so on. Once, you've done this, I will assign the grade.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Effectiveness of Early Dysphagia Screening 
A qualitative approach was employed to accomplish this project. A qualitative approach was the most appropriate because it allowed the investigator to gain a deeper insight into the effectiveness of early dysphagia screening in reducing aspiration pneumonia in stroke patients. According to Grove and Gray (2019), qualitative methods allow the investigator to find meaning in the words of participants to understand the participants' experiences better. The project is a source of the best evidence on dysphagia management among stroke patients. As Grove and Gray (2019) indicate, the findings from qualitative projects contribute significantly to evidence-based practice because they provide rich information on how nurses can provide effective interventions to patients and their families.
The setting of this project was a healthcare organization environment. Specifically, it included emergency rooms, stroke units, and rehabilitation facilities. These types of healthcare environments encounter stroke patients often. Emergency rooms are usually the first point of care within a hospital setting for patients who visit the hospital without a prior appointment. As such, it can be where stroke patients receive emergency care before transferring to a stroke unit or an intensive care unit for admission. Stroke units, as the name suggests, are a place where stroke patients receive care and are therefore a suitable place to explore the effectiveness of early dysphagia screening in reducing aspiration pneumonia. Rehabilitation facilities are also a point of care for stroke patients where they go to receive rehabilitative therapy after their condition becomes stable.
The participants in the project were nurses providing care to stroke patients in the emergency rooms, stroke units, and rehabilitation facilities. Purposive sampling was used to select the participants of the project. Purposive sampling was deemed appropriate for the project because the investigator wanted to select participants that would provide the most useful information. According to Gray and Grove (2021), purposive sampling is suitable in cases where the investigator wants to obtain rich information about the phenomenon because it allows for the selection of the participants for the project consciously. The criteria for inclusion were: to be registered nurses, have experience working directly with stroke patients, and be available for the project duration. In total, there were 20 participants. Ten participants were interviewed, while the other ten were surveyed. The participants were contacted by phone to inform them of the project's purpose and what their participation would mean to them and the project. Participants were asked to accept or decline the request to participate in the project based on the information provided. Informed consent, in the form of written consent, was also obtained from all participants.
Data Collection Methods
Ten of the consenting participants were interviewed. Due to the nature of nursing work, participants were asked to select a time and place that was convenient for them for the interview. One of the benefits of using interviews is that they can be conducted at a convenient time and place for participants (Grove & Gray, 2019). Unstructured interviews provide room for asking open-ended questions that can be followed with...
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