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Early Intervention Assessment and Ethical Practice

Essay Instructions:

A 24.5 month old child has been referred for assessment due to parent concern of speech delay. During the assessment the child was noted to only have a few words, does not respond often when they call for him, had poor eye contact, and some repetitive movements. Parents reported they have been concerned for months about possible delay in his speech development which they reported to their doctor from the start, but stated the doctor only recently referred them for an early intervention assessment. They reported having no other concerns. What testing would you expect to be done? If anyone has had experience in early intervention, what results would you anticipate this child to have that would qualify him for services? What would you expect this child to qualify for, and their plan to begin preparing for? In regard to when their doctor made the early intervention referral, what would you say?
Question# 2: Looking back over your own career as a nurse and particularly most recently as a school nurse, would you agree with the statement that “nurses have the highest ethical standard of any profession”? Why?
Apply one of NASN's Code of Ethics principles to a situation that you have been in where one of these principles was used. Describe the situation. What “ethical practice” (autonomy, beneficence, non-maleficence, or justice) did you utilize most?

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Early Intervention Assessment and Ethical Practice
Early Intervention Assessment and Ethical Practice
It is never easy for any parent when they child shows signs of slow speech development and motor skills that indicate that their child may have a problem. Even for parents that are not having their first child, it is common that they start comparing the first child to the second. If the second child shows some slow developmental elements, the parents are bound to feel concerned that their second child is not matching their first in terms of the stages of development. At the age of two and a half and with the aforementioned conditions in the child, the most important test that can be conducted to establish the health of the child is referred to as the Modified Checklist for Autism in Toddlers, (M-CHAT-R) (Autism Speaks Inc., 2016). This is a test that is used to test for children that are between the ages 16 and 30 months, with reference to autism (Kao, 1999). It is crucial that children that are between the ages of 18 to 24 months to be screened for autism so that early interventions can be started. the child is showing signs of slow speech development, poor eye contact, poor responses and repetitive movements that are out of place (Autism Speaks Inc., 2016). These are indicative signs that the child will qualify for a plan for intervention to help them with their condition. Early interventions are crucial to help the child and the parents to better integrate their efforts towards combating the situation. This is a crucial element and one that prepares the care givers and the parents on the best plan of action to manage the situation and find ways to cope with the extra elements of care, relative to the fact that this is a long-term condition (WebMD, 2016).
Nurses are called to highe...
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