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Adaptive Response: Critical Judgment, Nursing Practice

Essay Instructions:

Consider the following scenarios:
Scenario 1:
Jennifer is a 2-year-old female who presents with her mother. Mom is concerned because Jennifer has been “running a temperature” for the last 3 days. Mom says that Jennifer is usually healthy and has no significant medical history. She was in her usual state of good health until 3 days ago when she started to get fussy, would not eat her breakfast, and would not sit still for her favorite television cartoon. Since then she has had a fever off and on, anywhere between 101oF and today's high of 103.2oF. Mom has been giving her ibuprofen, but when the fever went up to 103.2oF today, she felt that she should come in for evaluation. A physical examination reveals a height and weight appropriate 2-year-old female who appears acutely unwell.  Her skin is hot and dry. The tympanic membranes are slightly reddened on the periphery, but otherwise normal in appearance. The throat is erythematous with 4+ tonsils and diffuse exudates. Anterior cervical nodes are readily palpable and clearly tender to touch on the left side. The child indicates that her throat hurts “a lot” and it is painful to swallow. Vital signs reveal a temperature of 102.8oF, a pulse of 128 beats per minute, and a respiratory rate of 24 beats per minute.
Scenario 2:
Jack is a 27-year-old male who presents with redness and irritation of his hands. He reports that he has never had a problem like this before, but about 2 weeks ago he noticed that both his hands seemed to be really red and flaky. He denies any discomfort, stating that sometimes they feel “a little bit hot,” but otherwise they feel fine. He does not understand why they are so red. His wife told him that he might have an allergy and he should get some steroid cream. Jack has no known allergies and no significant medical history except for recurrent ear infections as a child. He denies any traumatic injury or known exposure to irritants. He is a maintenance engineer in a newspaper building and admits that he often works with abrasive solvents and chemicals. Normally he wears protective gloves, but lately they seem to be in short supply so sometimes he does not use them. He has exposed his hands to some of these cleaning fluids, but says that it never hurt and he always washed his hands when he was finished.
Scenario 3:
Martha is a 65-year-old woman who recently retired from her job as an administrative assistant at a local hospital. Her medical history is significant for hypertension, which has been controlled for years with hydrochlorothiazide. She reports that lately she is having a lot of trouble sleeping, she occasionally feels like she has a “racing heartbeat,” and she is losing her appetite. She emphasizes that she is not hungry like she used to be. The only significant change that has occurred lately in her life is that her 87-year-old mother moved into her home a few years ago. Mom had always been healthy, but she fell down a flight of stairs and broke her hip. Her recovery was a difficult one, as she has lost a lot of mobility and independence and needs to rely on her daughter for assistance with activities of daily living. Martha says it is not the retirement she dreamed about, but she is an only child and is happy to care for her mother. Mom wakes up early in the morning, likes to bathe every day, and has always eaten 5 small meals daily. Martha has to put a lot of time into caring for her mother, so it is almost a “blessing” that Martha is sleeping and eating less. She is worried about her own health though and wants to know why, at her age, she suddenly needs less sleep.
To Complete
Write a 2- to 3-page paper excluding the title page, reference page and Mind Map that addresses the following:
For each of the three scenarios explain the pathophysiology, associated alterations and the patients' adaptive responses to the alterations caused by the disease processes.  You are required to discuss all three scenarios within the paper component of this assignment.
Construct one mind map on a selected disorder presented in one of the scenarios. Your Mind Map must include the epidemiology, pathophysiology, risk factors, clinical presentation, and diagnosis of the disorder, as well as any adaptive responses to alterations.
Must have title page, reference page and mind map!!!

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Adaptive Response
The medical conditions exhibited by Jenifer, Jack, and Martha shows symptoms of diseases that require critical judgment in the nursing practice. The identification of these diseases and the pathophysiological processes help in understanding their associated alterations and the patients’ responses to the same.
Scenario 1
The symptoms exhibited by Jenifer shows that she suffers from tonsillitis. This is the swelling of the palatine tonsils caused by “a group A beta-hemolytic streptococcus or a viral infection” (Sharav, 2008). Tonsillitis may be acute, chronic, peritonsillar abscess and recurrent tonsillitis. Whenever a bacteria or a virus enters the body through the mouth or nose, they get discarded in the tonsils. Here, the white blood cells produce inflammatory cytokines such as the phospholipase A2 in order to destroy the viruses and bacteria (Sharav, 2008). The associated alterations that occur include fevers and tender cervical lymph nodes as the immune system works towards restoring the body to its normal state.
The disease is prevalent in children between 5 and 15 years of age, but the symptoms disappear after around four days (Mayo Clinic, 2015). The patient shows adaptive responses such as development of tender swollen throats, which limits swallowing (dysphagia), sore throat, and muffled voice (Mayo Clinic, 2015). The patient may also exhibit painful throats, halitolis and chronic sore throat. The condition is usually temporary but a more frequent condition may require surgery to remove the swelling tonsils (Sharav, 2008). This, however, may not be good for the body as the immune system will struggle to fight infections in the future due to reduced sites.
Scenario 2
Jack’s profession exposes him to abrasive solvents and chemicals, which act as a contributory factor towards his red irritating hands. The symptoms Jack exhibits associates to Hand Eczema disease, which tends to affect hairdressers, plumbers, brick layers and other professions whose jobs involve frequent handling of water and chemicals (Dermaharmony, 2011). The three main causes of eczema include irritant contact, allergic contact, and atopic dermatitis. Irritant contact dermatitis is associated with dry, itchy, and red kin of the finger, burning or stinging sensation when skin is in contact with irritants, and mainly affects the web spaces and fingertips (Antonov, Schliemann, & Elsner, 2015). Frequent exposure to soaps, water, detergents, lubricants, degreasers, coolants affect the skin barrier from repairing. Allergens such as nickel, preservatives, fragrances and some food additive cause allergic contact dermatitis (Dermaharmony, 2011). Upon exposure, the hands may develop skin blisters with swollen, itchy, red skin, drying of the skin with crusts, and darkening of the skin with continual exposure to allergens.
Atopic dermatitis occurs whenever there is infection of the skin in other areas of the body, causing intense itching, thickening of the skin and acute lesions. The irritants work by damaging the outer stratum corneum, removal of lipids ...
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