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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Duty of a Nurse, Collaborative Care, and the AACN and NONPF Competencies

Essay Instructions:

Reflection on Learning



The purpose of this assignment is to provide the student an opportunity to reflect on learning in the course related to course outcomes, program outcomes, and competencies. Reflective inquiry allows for expansion in self-awareness, identification of knowledge gaps, and assessment of learning goals.

Course Outcomes

This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes:

CO 1: Interpret subjective and objective data to develop appropriate diagnoses and evidence-based management plans for selected patients with psychiatric mental health diagnoses. (PO 5)

CO 2: Select appropriate medications according to patient age, presentation and unique patient factors. (PO 5)

CO 3: Employ appropriate health promotion and disease prevention strategies in the management of the healthcare needs of the psychiatric mental health patient. (POs 2, 5)

CO 4: Collaborate with interdisciplinary team members to improve the quality of healthcare. (PO 5)

CO 5: Involve the patient and family in the formulation of management plans that align with their goals and perspectives of mental health and wellness. (PO 5)

CO 6: Apply ethical and legal principles to the healthcare needs and management of acutely ill psychiatric mental health patients. (PO 1)

Due Date

This assignment is due by Wednesday at 11:59 p.m. MT of Week 8.

The course ends on Saturday of Week 8. There is no late submission allowed for this assignment.

Total Points Possible

This assignment is worth a total of 30 points.

Preparing the Assignment

Follow these guidelines when completing this assignment. Contact your course faculty if you have questions.

Describe how learning in this course helped you to meet Program Outcome 5: Advocates for positive health outcomes through compassionate, evidence-based, collaborative advanced nursing practice. (Extraordinary Nursing) Provide at least two specific examples.

Select one of the competencies from American Association of Colleges of Nursing (AACN) Essentials Domain 3 listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the advanced-level nursing education competency. Provide at least two specific examples.

3.1 Manage population health

3.1j Assess the efficacy of a system’s capability to serve a target sub-population’s healthcare needs.

3.1k Analyze primary and secondary population health data for multiple populations against relevant benchmarks.

3.1l Use established or evolving methods to determine population-focused priorities for care.

3.1m Develop a collaborative approach with relevant stakeholders to address population healthcare needs, including evaluation methods.

3.1n Collaborate with appropriate stakeholders to implement a sociocultural and linguistically responsive intervention plan.

3.2 Engage in effective partnerships

3.2d Ascertain collaborative opportunities for individuals and organizations to improve population health.

3.2e Challenge biases and barriers that impact population health outcomes.

3.2f Evaluate the effectiveness of partnerships for achieving health equity.

3.2g Lead partnerships to improve population health outcomes.

3.2h Assess preparation and readiness of partners to organize during natural and manmade disasters.

3.3 Consider the socioeconomic impact of the delivery of health care.

3.3c Analyze cost-benefits of selected population-based interventions.

3.3d Collaborate with partners to secure and leverage resources necessary for effective, sustainable interventions.

3.3e Advocate for interventions that maximize cost-effective, accessible, and equitable resources for populations.

3.3f Incorporate ethical principles in resource allocation in achieving equitable health.

3.4 Advance equitable population health policy

3.4f Identify opportunities to influence the policy process.

3.4g Design comprehensive advocacy strategies to support the policy process.

3.4h Engage in strategies to influence policy change.

3.4i Contribute to policy development at the system, local, regional, or national levels.

3.4j Assess the impact of policy changes.

3.4k Evaluate the ability of policy to address disparities and inequities within segments of the population.

3.4l Evaluate the risks to population health associated with globalization.

3.5 Demonstrate advocacy strategies

3.5f Appraise advocacy priorities for a population.

3.5g Strategize with an interdisciplinary group and others to develop effective advocacy approaches.

3.5h Engage in relationship-building activities with stakeholders at any level of influence, including system, local, state, national, and/or global.

3.5i Demonstrate leadership skills to promote advocacy efforts that include principles of social justice, diversity, equity, and inclusion.

3.6 Advance preparedness to protect population health during disasters and public health emergencies

3.6f Collaboratively initiate rapid response activities to protect population health.

3.6g Participate in ethical decision making that includes diversity, equity, and inclusion in advanced preparedness to protect populations.

3.6h Collaborate with interdisciplinary teams to lead preparedness and mitigation efforts to protect population health with attention to the most vulnerable populations.

3.6i Coordinate the implementation of evidence-based infection control measures and proper use of personal protective equipment.

3.6j Contribute to system-level planning, decision making, and evaluation for disasters and public health emergencies.

Select one of the competencies from the National Organization of Nurse Practitioner Faculties (NONPF) Quality Competency Links to an external site.listed below and describe how learning in this course helped you to meet the competency. Provide at least two specific examples.

Uses best available evidence to continuously improve quality of clinical practice.

Evaluates the relationships among access, cost, quality, and safety and their influence on health care.

Evaluates how organizational structure, care processes, financing, marketing, and policy decisions impact the quality of health care.

Applies skills in peer review to promote a culture of quality safety education in nursing (QSEN) principles and content

Anticipates variations in practice and is proactive in implementing interventions to ensure quality

Submit the assignment using correct grammar mechanics and APA style standards.

Writing is free of grammar, syntax, spelling, and punctuation errors

A title page is included in APA format

Document is double-spaced

A reference page is included if references were cited. If a reference page is included, use APA format.

Topics learned include

- The Role of the Psychiatric Mental Health Nurse Practitioner in Child and Adolescent Mental Health Treatment

- Pediatric and Perinatal Mental Health

- Maternal Mental Health Disorders (MMHDs)

- Rates of Depression and Anxiety in Children

- Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD)

- Oppositional defiant disorder (ODD)

- Fetal alcohol spectrum disorder (FASD)

- Eating disorders

- Gender dysphoria

- Substance use disorders

- Adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) and trauma-informed care.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

A Reflection on Course Program, Outcomes, and Competencies
Name of the Student
Instructor’s Name
A Reflection on Course Program, Outcomes, and Competencies
Learning the course and meeting program outcome 5
As I have learned from the course, a key duty of a nurse is to treat health conditions, prevent the outcome of illnesses, and manage physical needs. A survey indicates that a compassionate, collaborative care (CCC) approach is essential in controlling health costs, strengthening care provision, and improving health (Pfaff & Markaki, 2017). For example, while acknowledging emotional responses from a patient, caregivers should link with experts from other fields, like pharmacy, to deliver better outcomes. To collaborate, a provider may refer a patient to a pharmacist after diagnosis to administer appropriate medications. Regarding compassion, practitioners should maintain a respectful relationship with the clients and commit to working toward and realizing an individual’s pain. They should prioritize to ensure that a patient undergoes zero suffering that could be otherwise managed by utilizing appropriate interventions. The care process should go beyond the patient-provider relationship. Providers should serve as a tool to alleviate patients' suffering compassionately. Achieving these roles, as the course demands, calls for evidence-based research by a health practitioner. 
Learning the course and meeting one of the AACN competencies
The two AACN competencies that align with the course outcomes are managing population health and challenging barriers and biases impacting population health outcomes. For example, while learning about substance use disorders, I realized that many people are affected by the disorder. Therefore, one should approach the problem as affecting the entire community. For example, I would address the issue by combating negative outcomes of drug abuse in the community, the addicts, and family members. Affected children could be taken to social services if the use of drugs among parents l...
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