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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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Identify Regulations Concerning Venipuncture: Drugs W3

Essay Instructions:

(50-100-word) response to the topics given below. Be sure to clearly address each question.
Identify the regulations concerning venipuncture, drug administration, and IV medication and how these standards in your field.
Explain the repercussions that could arise from violating these standards.
What are the responsibilities of a person in your health care position during a code arrest?
Discuss the repercussions that could arise, both for the patient and you, in regards to injection of contrast media.
Explain the organization of the information supplied in the Physicians' Desk Reference (PDR).
What are the benefits of physicians using PDAs in ordering prescriptions for their patients?
Compare the ratings of addictive drugs on the controlled drug standard. Give an example of each category.
What are some reasons the imaging professional should chart carefully? In which ways is charting accomplished?
Which examinations require charting and how is this done?
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

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Drugs W 3

Drugs W 3
Safety now plays a prominent role in all sectors of health care. It has been agreed by most experts that it is crucial to drift from blaming individual health practitioners for mistakes. When errors occur, the crucial questions should be how, why, when and where they occurred not who did the mistake.
Nursing staff should accept new devices in safety, and get lessons on using them appropriately and consistently. The Institute of Medicine call for regulation are making mandatory that external bodies should be alerted when errors occur. Patient care will improve when there is a better knowledge of how and why they happen (Hadaway & Millam, 2007). The control of infections can be done successfully by the use of a closed infusion system. It reduces vein trauma, blood spills and reduces the risk for contamination while connecting.
To control infection, the actions that should be considered for peripheral infusion therapy include careful hand sanitization for health practitioners. Medication safety is maintained by use of computer technology, which helps with dispensing, prescribing, and administering medications in their entirety while it improves these statistics. The memory of infusion pumps are now programmed with the drug dosages, concentrations, and rates. Effective communication between departments and between professionals should be constantly given attention and improvement.
Failure to meet these standards has various repercussions. Nosocomial infections now make up the most common complication of patients in hospitals, with 5% to 10% severe care patients getting one or multiple infections (Hadaway & Millam, 2007). Described infections include osteomyelitis, local site infection, septic thrombophlebitis, lung abscess, endocarditis and brain abscess (Hadaway & Millam, 2007). Outbreaks of hepatitis B and C virus, malaria and HIV have pointed to the use non hygienic ways to flush catheters and other bloodstream infections associated with health care.
A nurse’s role during a cardiac arrest is essential as most of in-hospital cardiac arrests have nurse witnesses. In theory, this means that early cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and defibrillation can take place. It is therefore rational for nurses to initiate resuscitation during in-hospital cardiac arrests. They make up most of the witnesses and are the first responders in unwitnessed arrests. As part of the resuscitation team, they are the first rescuers and they perform CPR. They also manage defibrillation, airway, and ventilation. Tubes, lines, and drugs are managed by nurses during the process of resuscitation and applying Utstein-style reporting. A nurse prompts colleagues of dire actions required and making sure follow up actions are done to completion (Heng, Fong, Wee & Anantharaman, 2011). Rejection of contrast media in a patient results in allergy, asthma, renal insufficiency, cardiac disease, and anxiety (ACR Manual...
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