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Assignment Paper: Self Care Complementary Technique Use

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Self Care Complementary Technique Use

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Self Care Complementary Technique Use
I have recently used yoga to improve relaxation, and this option has had positive results on pain management and proper breathing. Yoga is a relaxation technique that highlights specific body techniques and mental exercises through relying on meditation, exercises and the breath control (Woodyard, 2011). The technique has highlighted the need for proper training and maintaining posture to improve outcomes. I have undertaken yoga exercises on a weekly basis, and it is an effective and low-cost strategy when properly managed, but it is necessary to follow the advice of the yoga instructors. Yoga is integrated as a medical intervention to improve health outcomes and social outcomes.
The choice of yoga is that it combines deep breathing, mediation and at times exercise to improve relaxation. To begin with yoga seemed repetitive, but over time, I came to appreciate the benefits of the technique. It was most useful when I felt tired and this helped to improve relaxation, by combining slow breathing, relaxing stomach muscles and medication. The yoga techniques focus on emotional self-care, allowing me to calm down, reduce stress and burnout. Yoga results in the relaxation response, and this was associated with inner peace. This is likely because the relaxation practice gave me a sense of control over my well–being while having a positive influence on the body and mind.
The connection of the, mind, body and spirit of yoga as a self-care complementary technique highlights the potential benefits of effectively using the practice. As I concentrated on controlled breathing and posture, the yoga techniques were more effective when I was aware of the interaction of movement and breadth. Interaction and awareness of the surrounding is crucial to relaxation since one is not to be distracted when posing, while breath training is also beneficial to allow me to focus more closely on my mind and be attentive. In any case, proper breathing helps manage stress, reduce tension and improve the parameters of respiratory function and heart rate.
Adaptive functioning helps to improve a positive sense of worth, and physical well-being. This is particularly for flexibility and balance since the yoga techniques highlight how relaxation postures and movement allow one to stretch. There is a need to evaluate the low back before flexing to recue low back pain, and assessing balancing was undertaken over time using the one-leg standing. Hence, combining yoga techniques with flexibility and balance tests help to determine the physical well-being. Th...
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