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Disorder of Visual Perception: Prosopagnosia

Essay Instructions:

To prepare for this Discussion:

Review the information on vision in Chapter 10 of your textbook, particularly the discussion on disorders of visual perception.

Select one of the conditions covered in the book (object agnosia, prosopagnosia, color agnosia, movement agnosia, neglect, or synesthesia) to research in more detail. Locate a peer-reviewed scientific article about this condition. The article should address the underlying neurobiology of the condition (i.e., neurotransmitters, brain regions involved, or connections between different areas).

For the condition you selected, think about the symptoms and problems commonly experienced by people with the condition and the impact of the condition on areas of life including work, relationships, and leisure time. Also note the areas of the brain responsible for the condition and specific behaviors the condition affects. Consider how your own life would be different if you had this condition.

With these thoughts in mind:

Discussion Post

Post a summary of the condition you chose. Include the brain area(s) responsible for the condition. Discuss the symptoms of the condition or the common problems that people with this form of brain damage often experience. Briefly summarize the journal article that you selected, detailing the underlying neurobiology of the condition. Discuss how your article expanded on the textbook’s explanation of the condition.

If you had this condition, explain what everyday life would be like including its impact on your occupation, relationships, and leisure time. Include how the condition might affect your behaviors and experiences in these settings. What are some adaptations that you could make that would ease the effects of this condition?

Note: Put the condition you selected in the first line of your post. You will be asked to respond to a colleague who selected a different condition than you did.

Support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources and any additional sources you identify using both in-text citations and complete references in APA format.

Learning Resources:

Garrett, B., & Hough, G. (2022). Brain and behavior: An introduction to behavioral neuroscience (6th ed.). Sage Publications, Inc.

Chapter 9, “Hearing and Language”

Chapter 10, “Vision and Visual Perception”

Chapter 11, “The Body Senses and Movement”

Read only those sections on body senses. Movement sections are optional.

National Aphasia Association. (n.d.). Aphasia definitionsLinks to an external site.. 

Document: “How to Search PubMed” (Word document)Download “How to Search PubMed” (Word document)

Optional Resources

Optional Media

Many appropriate media pieces to further your understanding are available through the textbook publisher website:

SAGE edge. Brain & behavior: An introduction to biological psychology by Bob GarrettLinks to an external site.. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Brain & Behavior






Brain & Behavior

Prosopagnosia is a condition where an individual has problems identifying people's faces. Abnormalities, damage, or impairment in the part of the brain that coordinates the neural systems that control facial perception and memory are the causes of prosopagnosia. The brain area accountable for this state is the right fusiform gyrus. The primary symptom of prosopagnosia is difficulty in recognizing faces. However, depending on severity, some people may be unable to distinguish strangers from familiar individuals (Avidan & Behrmann, 2021). Moreover, others may be unable to differentiate between an inanimate object and a face or know their face in a mirror.

According to Avidan and Behrmann (2021), prosopagnosia can be classified as either acquired or congenital. Some injury causes acquired prosopagnosia in the brain. Moreover, this type can be triggered by traumatic brain injuries, brain tumors, and neurodegenerative ailmen

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