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Discussion on Horizontal Violence

Essay Instructions:

((The paper should be free of typos and grammatical errors. I need just the answers to the questions. Please each situation should have its own citation and reference underneath. (E.g. question 1-6 should have citation and reference page underneath, same as question 1-3 Risk Reduction in Healthcare Violence and question 1-2 Violence against Nurses and Its Impact on Stress and Productivity.))

Types of Violence (lateral, bullying, verbal and physical aggression, threatening words or actions, sexual harassment, and physical assaults) enacted against

Use the attached article on Horizontal Violence to help answer the questions to the following two case studies. (Horizontal violence in nursing by Jennifer Becher & Constance Visovsky)

A new grad nurse. Janet K. was a new graduate on the nursing unit. She was very excited to have passed her NCLEX exams and was very pleasant and enthusiastic about starting work on her busy unit. The nurses on the unit knew that a particular physician, Dr. M. followed a specific routine for making rounds. Janet K. had several of his patients that day but was unaware of his routine. The nurses on the unit decided not to share that information with her as they know that Dr. M would be arriving soon with certain expectations of the nurse who would be making rounds with him. They decided that this would be a “fun” way to “take her down a notch, and wipe that silly grin off her face.” Dr. M. arrived and Janet had not prepared his patients or his charts for his rounds. He began to berate her loudly in front of everyone at the nurse's station. The other nurses, retreated to the back in the medicine room and all smirked & chuckled while Janet K. stood red-faced and endured his tongue lashing. Janet K. learned to hide her enthusiasm for nursing and stayed on the unit long enough to be oriented and to complete the required six months before transferring to another unit in the hospital.

1) What examples of horizontal violence are seen in this case study? Describe them.

2) What are some of the effects that horizontal violence can have on a nursing unit or healthcare institution?

3) Based on the article and the recommendations that it provides, how would you advise nurse Janet to handle each of the situations?

A confrontational attitude. Sylvia Stevens has worked at the hospital for four years. In the last few months, several of her coworkers have provided the nurse manager of their unit with negative feedback about her behavior. All have described confrontational and unprofessional interactions with Sylvia. Sylvia is often seen rolling her eyes during the "shift huddle," when the nurses gather to discuss each patient, and has yelled at coworkers on the unit. After each incident, the nurse manager asked Sylvia's coworkers to speak to her about the offensive behavior. In each case, when the coworker told Sylvia she didn't appreciate her behavior, Sylvia denied it had occurred and ended the conversation. The nurse manager has also spoken with Sylvia three times in the past year about her behavior, and this has led to temporary improvements. A few months after these discussions, however, the negative, abrasive, and aggressive behavior that Sylvia's peers have described resurfaced. In the last four weeks, Sylvia's colleagues have reported several negative interactions.

* A physician's assistant complained that Sylvia made a comment about a patient's "disgusting" body odor within earshot of the patient.

* A nurse coworker described how Sylvia yelled at her for asking too many questions during report.

* An ancillary nutritional aide told the nurse manager she doesn't want to interact with Sylvia after hearing her say on numerous occasions that the hospital's food is "horrible" and she "wouldn't feed it to a dog."

4) Is there a difference between lateral violence and horizontal violence? Explain.

5) Do you agree with the nurse manager's handling of the situation? How have her actions hurt or helped the situation?

6) How would you further advise the nurse manager? How would you further advise the nursing peers?

Risk Reduction in Healthcare Violence

Use the assigned article “Workplace Violence in Healthcare Settings: Risk Factors and Protective Strategies” to help answer the questions to the following two case studies.

Janice is working part-time as a home health aide two evenings per week and on weekends. She shares an apartment with two housemates and commutes 30 minutes to the Visiting Nurse Care home health agency for work. She is required to check in at the main office before her shift starts to pick up her assignments, attend occasional staff meetings and training sessions, and restock her patient care supplies. She is not required to return to the office at the end of her shift. Rather, she can go home after she finishes with her last client.

Janice attended hazard assessment and safety training when she was hired for the job as a home health aide. The training is repeated on an annual basis for each home care worker at the agency. Janice remembers hearing about a case in a nearby city where a home health aide was assaulted by an angry family member, and the story has stuck with her. The injured employee was the same age as Janice. She does not need to be talked into attending the training sessions when they are offered.

Janice readily follows the safety protocols that have been established by the home care agency but wants to add a few of her own.

1) Describe the unique characteristics of hospitals, clinics, home healthcare, and other healthcare settings that add to the potential of environmental security hazards.

2) What actions have this nurse and her home healthcare agency taken to minimize her risk for violence? What other recommendations would you give her?

3) No one can predict human behavior, and there is no specific profile of a potentially dangerous individual. There are, however, “red flags” that are characteristic behaviors of potentially threatening and violent persons in the workplace. Describe some of these "red flags". Identify potential "red flags" in this given scenario.

Article for Violence against Nurses and Its Impact on Stress and Productivity File

1. What are the consequences of violence?

2. Explain the consequences of violence and its impact on healthcare and the nursing profession. List specific examples. This assignment must be 2 paragraphs in length and in APA format. Please use your textbook and other appropriate internet resources with reference paged.

100-200 word APA formatted to the questions, maintaining format with one professional reference. (Note: You must research and provide your own professional reference to be cited within the forum and your forum should be free of typos and grammatical errors.

o Read the above article: The role of aggression suffered by healthcare workers as predictors to help you answer the following questions related to the topic of "Nurse Burnout".

 Explain what "Nurse Burnout" means and what are several causes?

 Does violence in healthcare contribute to "Nurse Burnout"?

 What are some of the long term effects of "Nurse Burnout"?

 What suggestions do you have to alleviate this problem?

o Watch the above video: Nursing Views on Healthcare Violence to help you answer the following questions.

 Nurses in the video describe that violence has always been a part of healthcare and some believe it is just "a part of the job". What do you think about this theory? Explain why you agree or disagree. What steps should be taken to not normalize violence in healthcare?

 Several nurses in the video stated that violence in healthcare has increased due to our increased violent society. Give your opinion on this belief. Explain why you agree or disagree.

 Another theory on violence in healthcare is due to decreased staffing. Do you believe there is a correlation? Explain why or why not?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Horizontal violence refers to any unwanted abuse or hostility within the work set up. Some of the examples of Horizontal study in our case study include; Public humiliation of Nurse Janet by Dr. M., Silent treatment by her fellow nurses and gossiping by the nurses in the medicine room. Dr. M’s move to berate Janet K in public without finding out why she hadn’t set his routine came as a form of harassment. The Doctor should have called her in private and explain to her what she should do before his routine since she was new. The other nurses threw Janet K under the bus for their delight instead of giving her a heads up ("Horizontal Violence in Nursing", 2016). Their chuckling also supported that they colluded to violate Nurse Janet K. in their workstation.
Horizontal violence on a health care institution can result in Nurses shortage. The violated Nurses experience low self-esteem, sleeping disorders and depression. As a result, they might end up a leaving the profession resulting in a vacuum creation. Some instances of horizontal violence lead to omission of information related to patient’s care leading to potential legal actions against the health care involved ("Horizontal Violence in Nursing", 2016).
In the case of Horizontal violence against Nurse Janet. She should research on the policies that govern professional conduct in the workplace and feel empowered to take actions against the Horizontal Violence. Janet should also make use of informal education to educate other nurses on the negative impact of horizontal violence. Lastly, Nurse Janet should advocate for the need of having a focus group to identify the areas of improvement and to initiate action plan (Taylor, 2016).
There exists a slight difference between lateral violence and horizontal violence. In Lateral violence, bullying occurs between individuals of different levels of authority. Individuals get bullied by their boss while in Horizontal Violence, a person is bullied by a colleague on the same degree of power as them (Taylor, 2016).
The action taken by the nurse manager in Sylvia Stevens’ case is not the most appropriate one. Her action to only talk to her and hope for the best only made the situation perennial. Her measures to the only talk have led to the horizontal violence spilling to patients who should be taken care of and not discussed on in a negative manner especially when they are listening. The Nurse Manager should consider suspending the Nurse and putting the Horizontal violence incident in her file. Other nurses should form a focus group to address the situation and take the best action as stipulated in their policy plan (Tosh, 2015).
The potential of environmental security hazards in a health facility might occur as a result of patient’s death, long waiting for times, high expenses and a small, overcrowded Emergency Department. Some measures taken to minimize violence risks include; restricting access to the emergency department by patient’s family members, hiring security guards to combat violence, increasing the number of physicians to ensure service delivery to patients on time. Other recommendations for consideration include making medical cost affordable, strengthening the management to ensure a smooth running of operations, Clear communicating on the official visiting hours to deal with anxiety build up in visitors.
Some of the red flags of a violent person in the workplace include; Bullying ...
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