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Diet Analysis: Improving Dietary Profile

Essay Instructions:

This is the assignment but we don't have to track our own. I am using the alternative assignment and I am attaching all the Information.

There are three parts for this assignment:

Part One: Track your diet for 5 days. If this is not your preference, or you feel like it could be triggering, please see the alternative assignment posted below. After you track your diet for 5 days, please download in include your four reports yielded from iProfile (10 pts) (Please include each report for full credit)

a. Macronutrient Distribution

b. Food Intake Summary

c. Intake Compared to DRI

d. Intake Spreadsheets

*** If you are using cronometer instead, please include the reports yielded from the cronometer website, which include the "Charts" and "Nutrition Report" included under the "Trends" tab. A screenshot of this page is suitable for submission (if you select the "print report" button, you may be prompted to pay, therefore a screenshot or PDF of your screen is suitable. Right click on the webpage and select "Save page" or "Take a screenshot". Note that exact verbiage may vary from computer to computer)

2. ]Part Two: Your 1-3 page Answer to Question 1 (12 pts)

3. Part Three: Your paragraph response to Question 2 (5 pts)

a. Approximately a half page

As you answer these questions, please know that you are NEVER graded or judged based on the content of your diet or anything like that. I am looking to read about your utilization of the class concepts that we have discussed in your analysis. As this assignment has been created with the goal of personal growth, if you feel like it will be harmful for you, you can always discuss a fictitious person, or complete the alternative assessment listed below. :)

Danielle’s Dietary Analysis

Question #1: Analysis of Danielle’s Diet Analysis Reports (12 points): (Remember Danielle is a 19-year old college student who is looking to maintain weight, and improve her overall health)

• Based on Danielle’s reports, list at least 3 overall changes that she could make to improve her dietary profile.

• Explain the health implication of each change, and the mechanism of action for how this change will lead to the

desired health outcome, or reduction of disease risk. For example, if you are suggesting that she reduces red meat consumption, I would like you to expand upon the idea of ‘reducing red meat consumption because it will reduce one’s risk for heart disease and certain cancers’, and explain how this change works in the body to reduce risks.

§ If you are making a larger claim, such as "consume more calories/energy", please be sure to specify where you should you retrieve this energy from based on what macronutrients and specifically which vitamins and minerals are lacking in your diet report

o Include specific food substitutions, deletions and additions you could make (and for what reason).

§ For example, "To increase Danielle’s fiber intake, she could substitute oatmeal for scrambled eggs at breakfast. This change will help to


Question #2

(5 points) In a thorough paragraph (usually a length of at least 10-12 sentences), summarize your experience viewing and working with these iProfile Reports. If you have ever used a different diet analysis program, how does iProfile compare? On a slightly different note, looking at Danielle’s reports, do you see any congruency between the common nutritionally- related reasons for death for those living in the United States? Lastly, feel free to comment on any additions or suggestions and/or omissions would you recommend be included in a future diet analysis assignment.

-----Lastly, please provide an updated 5-day diet plan for Danielle containing food suggestions that should help her meet her goals that you discussed in your initial analysis. (10 points). Feel free to type this plan into the WileyPlus software or cronometer.com to see how close your suggestions are to helping Danielle reach her goals and recommended levels of intake.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diet Analysis Assignment
Your name
Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
April 26, 2023
Question #1:
Based on Danielle's reports, here are three overall changes she could make to improve her dietary profile:
1 Reduce saturated and trans fats intake
Danielle's intake of saturated fats and total fats is above the recommended range (n=40.3g). Reducing saturated and trans fats can lower her risk of developing heart disease. Saturated fats increase LDL cholesterol levels in the blood, leading to plaque buildup in the arteries and, eventually, heart disease. Trans fats also increase LDL cholesterol and lower HDL cholesterol, increasing heart disease risk (Tindal et al., 2020). Danielle can replace red meat and processed foods with lean meats, fish, and plant-based protein sources like beans and legumes to make this change. She can also replace butter with olive oil or other unsaturated fats.
2 Increase fiber intake
Danielle's fiber intake is below the recommended amount (n=16g). Increasing fiber intake can help with digestion and weight management and reduce the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes and heart disease. Fiber helps slow digestion, which can help maintain steady blood sugar levels and increase feelings of fullness (Adak, 2020). Danielle can consume more whole grains, fruits, vegetables, and legumes to increase fiber intake. For example, she can replace white rice with brown rice or whole-grain pasta and incorporate more fruits and vegetables into her meals.
3 Reduce sodium intake
Danielle's sodium intake is above the recommended range (n=4518mg). High sodium intake can increase blood pressure and put her at risk for heart disease and stroke. To reduce sodium intake, Danielle can limit processed foods and restaurant meals, often high in sodium. She can also cook at home more often, using fresh ingredients and herbs instead of relying on salt to flavor her food.
Question #2:
Working with iProfile Reports has been an insightful experience. It provides a comprehensive view of an individual's dietary habits, making it easier to identify areas for improvement. If compared to other diet analysis programs, iProfile offers a user-friendly interface and detailed information on ...
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