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Mental Health of Women of Color in the United States

Essay Instructions:

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that serves as a proposal for a program to address your selected public health issue. Think of the assignment as a pitch to your team at your hypothetical workplace or to a potential funder.

Use the outline provided below. You can use more than one slide per section if necessary, but try to keep things concise, following a narrative flow, and presenting the information in a visually pleasing way.

Refer to the assignment assessment rubric to help guide you in preparing this assignment. Outline for slide deck

1)      Title slide – Your name and a name for your proposed multi-level CBHI (include the health issue  in your title).

2)      Slide 1 Background: Provide a brief description of the selected health issue, target population/community, and why issue is important for your target population/community. All information on this slide should be referenced, with citations listed in the last slide. Use relevant statistics (be sure to include the year(s) for the data and citations). Include the source for all data tables, graphs, maps, etc., under the graphic. This is information you gathered for Assignment 1.

3)      Slide 2 Aims of the Program: State the purpose of the proposed program in terms of addressing the health issue (i.e. the “goals” of the TOC you will later show). This slide should connect strongly with your background slide – the aim should clearly connect with the priority/gap you identify in the background (which should convince us that this that your aim is something we must pay urgent attention to and intervene).

4)      Slide 3 Recommended Program Strategies: Identify and briefly describe the specific evidence-based strategies you’ve selected to help address the issue, organized by social ecological level. Be specific about the strategy, and show evidence that this strategy works (e.g., mention some of the impact/numbers from the outcomes of the cited interventions). All information on this slide should be referenced, with citations listed in the last slide.  This is information you gathered for Assignment 2.

5)      Slide 4 Program Theory of Change: Provide the diagram depicting your final Theory of Change (how strategies lead to specific outcomes that will help reach the goal). This is information you gathered for Assignment 3-4. You can simply paste your TOC in this slide (after making any final revisions based on feedback). Make sure your TOC is readable – e.g. if you have a very big TOC, you could split it across 2 slides as well.

6)      Slide 5Community Engagement Plan: Brief table which describes of your planned approach for engaging partners using the Inform, Consult, Involve, Collaborate, Empower framework - please use the template provided in Lesson 9 (Slide 5)

7)      Slide 6Potential Challenges: Identify 2-3 potential challenges/obstacles which may occur in the development, implementation, or evaluation of your proposed multi-level intervention. This could connect with your TOC (e.g., what if one of your assumptions does not hold?). Then, provide a specific, relevant, convincing solution to each of the identified challenges.

8)      Slide 7 Summary: Think of this like a “conclusion” slide – briefly summarize the key components of your program proposal (health issue, aim, interventions, partners, etc.).  This slide is the take-away message you want to communicate to your audience.

9)      Slide 8 - References. Use AMA format. Include citations for relevant information in the above slides. Provide hyperlinks as much as possible. Please note that, for this assignment, points will be deducted for incorrect referencing! If necessary, you can use more than one slide to keep the font size legible.


●       Make your slides engaging and readable. Use bullet points. Use graphics. Pay attention to font size. Be creative!

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Program Proposal
Course Code:
Title Slide:
Mental Health of Women of Color in the United States
Slide 1: Background
The United States is rife with health inequality and the intersectionality of health inequalities One of the most affected demographic is women of color. Women of color may experience multiple forms of oppression based on their race, gender, sexual orientation, and other factors, which can impact their mental health.
This population has also been grappling with other issues like domestic violence, sexual harassment, assault, racism, police brutality, mass incarceration, poverty, high levels of homelessness etc.
Most of these issues disproportionately affect women of color and coupled with health inequalities lead to relatively higher levels of mental health issues.
Slide 2: Aim of the Program
The intervention is to create a program to target mental health issues amongst women of color:
* Develop a culturally sensitive approach to eradicate mental health issues among women of color
* Understand barriers to mental health care for women of color
* Increase access to mental health care for women of color
Slide 3: Recommended Program Strategies
Individual Level Interventions – Raising awareness targeting women of color (through the media, churches etc) about mental health issues
Interpersonal Level Interventions – Creating social structures such as therapy groups to provide support among women of color suffering from mental health issues.
Community Level Interventions – Creating community level interventions through authorities such as helplines
Slide 4: Program Theory of Change
Slide 5: Community Engagement Plan
Brief table which describes of your planned approach for engaging partners using the Inform, consult, involve, collaborate, empower framework – please use the template provided in Lesson 9 (Slide 5).
Please insert the filled template here.
Slide 6: Potential Challen...
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