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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Diagnostic Reasoning and Rationale for Acute Illness

Essay Instructions:

Diagnostic Reasoning and Rationale for acute illness

Cough problems commonly seen in the Primary Care setting. Discuss and include your rationales using.

  • What questions need to be asked and what body part needs to be examined?
  • What diagnostic tests need to be obtained and why?
  • How would you handle abnormal finding?
  • What will be your list of differentials?


1 full page APA format 6th edition. 3 references within 3 years. No Wikipedia or MD web sources. 100 % spelling check.

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Diagnostic Reasoning and Rationale for Acute Illness Author`s Name Institution Affiliation What questions need to be asked and what body part needs to be examined? In case of a cough, the following questions should be asked. 1 Is the patient an adult or a child? 2 Is a cough dry or wet? 3 When did a cough start? 4 Has the patient seen any mucus? What is the color? 5 Are there any other medical conditions, like high blood pressure, diabetes, and asthma? 6 Did the patient use any medication in the past? 7 Does the patient smoke? 8 Is a cough painful? The body parts that need to be examined are the throat of the patient and the diaphragm. What diagnostic tests need to be obtained and why? A routine chest X-ray can reveal the most common reason for a cough: asthma, acid reflux, or postnasal drip (Hulme et al. 2017). This diagnostic test is essential because it helps reveal evidence of sinus infections. Another suitable test is a CT scan, which is done to check the patient’s lungs for conditions that have caused a cough or the sinus cavities for pockets of infection. If the patient complaint...
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