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Diabetes and Drug Treatments Nursing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

**No plagiarism, do not change dates on references**

Explain the differences between types of diabetes including type 1, type 2, gestational, and juvenile diabetes.

Describe one type of drug used to treat the type of diabetes you selected including proper preparation and administration of this drug. Include dietary considerations related to treatment.

Explain the short-term and long-term impact of this diabetes on patients including effects of drugs treatments.

***Paper must have introduction and summary***

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Diabetes and Drug Treatments
Diabetes is an ailment in which sugar or glucose levels are high in the blood of human beings. The hormone that aids in keeping the levels of blood sugar at normal or healthy levels is known as the insulin hormone and it is produced by the beta cells of the pancreas. Two major groups of diabetes are group 1 diabetes, which is also known as juvenile diabetes, and group 2 diabetes. There also exists another type of diabetes known as gestational diabetes. Group 1 diabetes is where the body of a human being does not yield insulin. Group 2 diabetes is where the body of a human being becomes resistant to insulin hormone effects. Gestational diabetes on the hand is high blood sugar that develops during pregnancy.
The differences between group 1 and group 2 diabetes are that group 1 mostly takes place in children while group 2 mainly take place in adults. Group 1 diabetes is not connected with high body weight while type 2 is connected with excess body weight (Diabetes research, 2016). Group 1 diabetes is cured with injections of insulin while group 2 has no medication (Greenway, 2009). Finally, the group I diabetes at diagnosis is associated with higher than healthy ketone levels while group 2 diabetes at diagnosis is normally associated with elevated blood pressure.
The differences between group 1 diabetes and gestational diabetes are that group 1 diabetes occurs in children while gestational diabetes occurs in pregnant women only. Secondly, group 1 is not associated with a gain in body weight while gestational diabetes is associated with a gain of weight in women (Maric&Poliak, 2015). Moreover, group 1 diabetes is treated with insulin injection while gestational diabetes does not have any medication, but the pregnant women are advised to exercise regularly and follow a specific diet. The difference between group 2 and gestational diabetes is that group 2 diabetes happens in adults while Gestational diabetes happens in pregnant women only.
A group of drug that can be used to treat group 1 diabetes is symlin drug. Symlin aids in lowering the ...
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