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Anxiety In School Students And The Role Of School Nurse

Essay Instructions:

Define “anxiety.” What is involved in a “generalized anxiety disorder? Include in your discussion the following three anxiety disorders seen in children and adolescents – Panic Disorder, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Posttraumatic Stress Disorder. Cover possible causes, management, treatment and prognosis. What is the role of the school nurse in helping these students? What programs are available in school districts and/or community for helping children and adolescents with mental health disorders?

American Academy of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, www(dot)aacap(dot)org/publications

Anxiety/Panic Disorders, www(dot)adaa(dot)org/ www(dot)nami(dot)org/helpline/anxiety.htm

Bipolar Disorder, http://www(dot)nimh(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/topics/bipolar-disorder/index.shtml

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Anxiety in school students and the role of school nurse
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Anxiety in school students and the role of school nurse
Anxiety refers to a severe or mild feeling of unease, most particularly a feeling of depression and fear. The feeling of anxiety can be constant and may have serious impacts on an individual daily life. In other words, anxiety incorporates the emotional and the physical sensations that an individual might experience during stress or when they are nervous about something. Through anxiety, feelings might be unpleasant, it may be related to the fight response which is a normal and healthy biological reaction during a frightening situation. An anxious feeling is common when one is faced with a fearful and stressful situation. Occasionally, making a decisive decision about an event with big and crucial impact in life may contribute to anxious feelings.
Generalized anxiety disorder
Generalized Anxiety Disorder is mainly characterized by persistent and excessive worry about various different things that is yet to come. Victims of generalized anxiety disorder may not control their worry even when there is nothing serious to be anxious about. In most cases, these victims may often expect the worst even when there is no apparent reason for concern. They are diagnosed with more worry than seems warranted about actual events. Individuals with generalized anxiety disorder experience excessive anxiety and worry, accompanied with an expectation of the worst even when there is no apparent reason for apprehension. In most cases, they often anticipate disasters and excessive apprehension about money, work, and family among other issues (National Institute of Mental Health. 2016). The disorder is diagnosed when the victim finds it extremely difficult to control worry on more days for more than six months and has got three or more symptoms.
Panic disorder in children and children
Children and adolescent suffering from panic disorder experience unexpected and repeated periods of intense and comfort accompanied to other symptoms like a racing heartbeat. Such periods are referred to panic attacks and last minutes to hours. It develops automatically without warning. The most common symptoms of panic disorder among children and adolescent are intense fearfulness, racing heartbeat, dizziness and trembling (Nathan, & Gorman, 2015). The disorder can be devastating when not recognized and treated in time. Similarly, it can interfere with the child's schoolwork and normal development.
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