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Describe Voilence In School And Role Of School Nurse

Essay Instructions:

Summarize at least five key points in family and dating violence. What is the Cycle of Violence? What are some things that the school nurse should be looking for when date violence is suspected? Why is it frequently difficult to help victims of abuse? Discuss the role of the school nurse in attempting to help these victims. (Text: Selekman, pp. 363, 1110-1113, 1091-1092.)

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Violence in School and Role of School Nurse
Family and dating violence has five key aspects, starting from its definition. Dating violence entails a pattern of either threatened or actual acts of violence ranging from physical, sexual, and emotional abuse, often carried out by an adolescent and directed at a former or current dating partner. As dating violence involves adolescents, it mostly occurs in the school setting and takes the form of insults, social sabotage, sexual harassment, coercion, sexual abuse, and other acts of threats or physical abuse (Blout, Rose, Suessmann, Coleman, & Selekman, 2012).
Second, lesbian, gay, and bisexual youth are at the greatest risk of suffering from dating violence in comparison to heterosexual youth (Dank, Lachman, Zweig & Yahner, 2014). Transgender and female youth have been found to be at the greatest risk of most types of victimization (Dank et al., 2014).
It is also noted by Kaya, Bilgin, and Singer (2011) that male students are more likely to experience violent incidences, which could cause death and non-fatal injuries (as cited in Dank et al., 2014). Fourth, dating violence has an adverse effect on the health of the victim, both in the short-term and long-term for instance. Such effects include depression, poor academic performance, eating disorders, and indulgence in unhealthy behavior such as drug abuse.
Fifth, children who experience inter-parental violence end up becoming perpetrators of family and dating violence themselves (Karlsson, Temple, Weston, & Le, 2016). The father-to-mother and mother-to-father violence affects the child's attitude and encourages them to perpetuate the same in future.
The cycle of violence refers to a pattern of abuse perpetrated by an abuser and justified by the victim over a period of time. The cycle involves four phases: incident, tension building, making-up (remorse), and calm (honeymoon). Upon the occurrence of an incident, the abuser becomes angry and begins to abuse the victim. When tension increases, the abuser may verbally humiliate, or slap, kick, punch, grab, or choke the victim and may even prevent him or her from calling the police or attempting to leave (domesticviolence.org, n. d). Stalking, use of weapons, or forced sex may also be reported. The victim defends him or herself and may either fight back or endure the suffering, quietly. The abuse...
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