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Developing an Evaluation Plan for Pressure Ulcer Prevention

Essay Instructions:

proposed solution –Pressure ulcer prevention

Assignment -Developing an Evaluation Plan

Using 800- Words discuss methods to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution and variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.

Example: If you are proposing a new staffing matrix that is intended to reduce nurse turnover, improve nursing staff satisfaction, and positively impact overall delivery of care, you may decide the following methods and variables are necessary to evaluate the effectiveness of your proposed solution:


1. Survey of staff attitudes and contributors to job satisfaction and dissatisfaction before and after initiating change.

2. Obtain turnover rates before and after initiating change.

3. Compare patient discharge surveys before change and after initiation of change.


1. Staff attitudes and perceptions.

2. Patient attitudes and perceptions.

3. Rate of nursing staff turnover.

Develop the tools necessary to educate project participants and to evaluate project outcomes (surveys, questionnaires, teaching materials, PowerPoint slides, etc.).


Task Completed Comments / Feedback Points

Developing an Evaluation Plan

- Described methods used to evaluate effectiveness of proposed solution. ____/ 4

- Described variables to be assessed when evaluating project outcomes.

____/ 4

- Developed tools necessary to educate project participants. _____ / 14

- Developed assessment tool(s) necessary to evaluate project outcomes. _____ /14

Written Format & Length Requirements for Developing an Evaluation Plan - Assignment formatted according to APA.

- Word Count: 800 _____/ 2

_____/ 2

Disseminating Evidence - Discussed strategy for disseminating results of project to key stakeholders. _____ / 18

- Discussed strategy for disseminating significance of project outcomes to greater nursing community.

_____ / 18

Written Format & Length Requirements for Disseminating Evidence - Assignment formatted according to APA.

- Word Count: Evidence

250- _____/ 2

_____/ 2


_____ / 80

Assignment- Disseminating Evidence

Using 250- words, summarize your strategy for disseminating the results of the project to key stakeholders and to the greater nursing community.

Refer to the "Topic 4: Checklist."

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Developing an Evaluation Plan
Developing an Evaluation Plan
In order to prevent pressure ulcer, it is important to translate risk assessment information for individual patients into an action plan to reduce the prevalent rates of the disease (Scheirer & Dearing 2011). Implementing effective care practices to limit the chances of patients developing pressure ulcers help reduce its occurrence significantly. There are numerous factors that are related to patient’s issues that at times are clear while sometimes they might not be clear. It is, therefore, important to integrate various types of patient’s data to have a holistic approach compared to depending on a single section of patient’s information. This is because every individual have a unique risk profile, meaning that care plans should be more personalized to fit each and every patient (Bolton 2007).
The Evaluation Plan
An evaluation plan helps to clarify the direction one should take based on prioritizing resources, time and skills needed to accomplish the process. Developing an evaluation plan includes working in corporation with stakeholders to foster collaboration. The evaluation process is a methodological approach that deals with planning, implementation and management of intervention. The initial steps in an evaluation plan include the definition of the proposed activities, the education program for prevention of pressure ulcers with clear goals and objectives (Scheirer & Dearing 2011). The interventions goals and objective include the needs identified when conducting an assessment of the causes of pressure ulcers, the practices adopted and other factors that have led to the problem. Therefore, planners and managers of the programs should determine if the plan meets the needs of people’s culture and behaviour. It is important to determine if the intervention will ease the problem of pressure ulcers based on the target group. To perform an evaluation means to collect systematically and outline the use of variables information to determine the accuracy of the situation. The feedback will help in implementing and assessing the program impact and effectiveness. In the evaluation process, qualitative and quantitative data will be collected for analysis in order to have a better insight of the situation. To collect data, the Braden scale, interviews and survey using questionnaires are some of the methods to be used. Conducting survey will involve selected people from various quarters including different ethnic groups and people from high and low-income areas (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2011).
Evaluation Methods
Conducting a community survey
A community survey will determine community views on pressure ulcer prevention, education program, physical assessment and interviews in clinical settings, eliciting the data that can be used to assess the potentiality of the program to be successful. The survey will provide data including people’s views before and after implementing the program. It is important to incorporate community’s attitude towards the program and their practices in relation to the policies, including managing surface like foam pressure redistribution mattress, protecting the skin from excessive moisture and assessing nutritional deficits. Community attitudes will determine the levels of acceptance of the program. Furthermore, there is a need for commitment and being vigilant on the general welfare by having a general plan of care.
The turnover rates
During the evaluation, it is important to know how many people have a comprehensive care plan since the program was initiated and how many people have not yet developed a care plan. This will determine the attitude of the community towards the program. Community leader’s views are crucial during the evaluation process because they determine the levels of support for the program. Leaders’ action like the frequency levels of advocacy efforts of promoting balanced nutrition and encouraging a comprehensive care plan will help gauge their levels of involvement. In general, a statistical data of turnover rates of those directly involved in the program will be important during the evaluation to know the overall program success (Scheirer & Dearing 2011).
Using the Braden scale
Braden scale is important as it accurately predicts the chances of individual developing pressure ulcers. It determines the intensity and duration of pressure and also the ability of the skin and other supporting tissues to tolerate pressure. Braden scale also determines the mobility, activity and sensory perception to determine how one reacts towards pressure ulcers (Scheirer & Dearing 2011). It is the most common method of determine the risk level of people developing pressure ulcers. Anyone with a score below 18 is considered to be at risk of developing pre...
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