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Uniform Determination of Death Act and How it was Created and its Legal Definition of Death

Essay Instructions:

After watching the attached videos and reading documents, please answer the following:

1-Uniform Determination of Death Act (UDDA):

How this law was created

Legal definition of death, describe

2-Define dying within context of faith, basic principle about human life

3-Bioethical Analysis of Pain Management - Pain Relief

4-What is the difference between Pain and suffering? Explain

5-Diagnosis / Prognosis: define both.

6-Ordinary / Extraordinary means of life support. Explain the bioethical analysis.

7-Killing or allowing to die? Define both and explain which one is ethically correct and why?

8-Catholic declaration on life and death; give a summary of this document:

https://ecatholic-sites(dot)s3(dot)amazonaws(dot)com/17766/documents/2018/11/CDLD.pdf . Refer to attached PDF document.

9-What is free and informed consent from the Catholic perspective?

10-Define Proxi, Surrogate


Advance Directives

Living Will

PoA / Durable PoA


12-Read and summarize ERD paragraphs #: 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 55, 59, 61, 62. Please refer to attached PDF document.

Essay should be formatted in current APA style. Please use attached videos and PDF documents to answer the questions and cite them in references page.

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Determination of Death
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Determination of Death
Uniform Determination of Death Act and How it was Created and its Legal Definition of Death
Uniform decision of death is a model State statute authorized by the national commission conference for the United States in 1981. Since then, most countries have enacted the legislation in the United States, and it is designed as a "complete and medically sound basis for determining death in all instances" (Cioffi, 2019). Brain death is a different situation from vegetative persistence. Because of increased seatbelt usage, bike helmets, and a general decline in violent crime, the number of brain fatalities is now fewer than it was historically. A new approach is implemented for donation following cardiac death when neurological impairment is severe, but the patient does not fulfill the brain death criterion.
The standard death declaration was drawn up to facilitate the brain death study. The brain describes death from two points of view: death is an irreversible end of blood and breath. On the other hand, death is an irreversible termination of all brain activities, including the brain stem. According to Cioffi (2018), the frequent type of death, the bloating and respiratory functions are irreversible, with the heart-stopping beating and the patient not breathing anymore. It is evident that in most states, brain-dead people are legally dead and removed from life support, although the remaining functions of the body can be maintained until a donor organ is collected. The fundamental objective of the Act is to harmonize the lawful description of death with the medical community's widely accepted standards. Since the present technology has permitted direct intensive care of brain activity and the capability to maintain respiration and circulation under otherwise lethal circumstances, the traditional description of death must be broadened.
Definition of Dying Within the Context of Faith, the Basic Principle About Human Life
Murder in the context of faith is death, which represents the inevitable end of every human life. All living organisms deteriorate and expire with time in the created order of nature (Cioffi, 2019). On the other side, the faith context teaches that death in our sin will lead to eternal conscious suffering among the Goats of man and will not benefit the heavenly kingdom.
Bioethical Analysis of Pain Management - Pain Relief
The practice and research of pain management pose many ethical issues and problems that may be too numerous to clarify. The questions cover the importance of pain in medicine, pain management's role in patients' clinical care, and health duties in patients' clinical care (Cioffi, 2018). In clinical practice, pain is a prevalent condition that places specific demands on medical practitioners and on the people they treat. Knowledge of pain as a symptom, disease, sickness, and phenomenon must form the basis of all pain medicine constructions. Due to the unbelievable intricacy of pain, treating refractory pain sufferers is tricky and can therefore be challenging. In particular, the clear articulation of pain medicine in the economic, legal, and social context can be challenging.
Decisions on pain treatment and 'doing good' can nevertheless be quite complicated. There are typically several reasons why pain relief is not provided quickly (Cioffi, 2019). Excuses range from too busy nurses to problems in receiving orders from doctors and pharmacies. Sometimes patients wait for pain relief for hours. Suppose nurses do not prioritize pain treatment and do not do all possible to advocate the patient's need for larger dosages in a drug to fight pain effectively. In that case, they are guilty of disregarding the principle of benefit. Similarly, when the patient's history of substance addiction prevents effective pain management, the nurse does not give the patient 'excellent' care. The benefit principle is upheld when the right amount of medicine or other treatment is given to the patient at the right time and with tolerable side effects is the best possible pain control.
The Difference Between Pain and Suffering
Pain is the physical sensations or indicators within the body that tell one of the whole body's events or situations (Cioffi, 2019). On the other side, suffering is the interpretation or story that tells you the anguish of thought, judgment, faith.
Definition of Both Diagnosis and Prognosis
The term prognosis involves a knowledgeable guess of the expected results of any type of treatment, including mental health, basically to fore...
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