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Description of the RAOKs: Norm Violation, Reactions, Sanctions

Essay Instructions:

Think of the topics that we cover this semester in our Sociology of Deviance course: crime, mental illness, substance abuse, and so on... Generally, this is the way we think of deviance – from a distinctly negative perspective. You may have been asked in an Intro Sociology class to “break a norm” and then observe the reactions of those around you. However, for purposes of this assignment, your task is to go out and commit multiple random acts of kindnesses (RAOKs) for complete strangers — arguably, a form of “ positive ” deviance. In this paper you will be conducting a mini - ethnographic study, so to speak. The project is meant as a vehicle for you to develop a more thorough understanding of the nature, causes and conseq uences of various types of deviant behavior (even positive deviance) and the repercussions for “doing” deviance. While this paper does not require extensive book research it will require a good deal of time devoted to p reparation, p ersonal investigative s tudy, reflection, and writing. First (Research): Perform three random act s of kindness (RAOK s ) toward three different stranger s , on three separate occasions . [Your choice of RAOK will be the same in all three instances; however, you will perform them to different people and on different occasions]. Of importance: You must do the RAOKs alone: no classmates, family or friends with you or helping out. Your RAOK recipient s must be complete strangers (no friends/r oommates/family/coworkers/etc.) and at no point should you tell them about this experiment or assignment . Your RAOKs must be made in public settings that are open to everyone, and from which no one is excluded (in other words, not within a private club or closed group). As with all ethnogra phic research, you will need to make careful field notes in the form of written reactions and observations as soon as you lea ve the area, while things are still fresh in your mind. And what do I include in the paper? aper will consist of each of the following (at minimum) five sections , titled as below, and in this order : 1. Description/Introduction. a) Describe your RAOKs in detail : List the dates, times, exact locations, and the specific RAOK of each of your th ree RAOKs b) Talk about your RAOK motivation: Aside from being a requirement for this paper, why did you choose to do t his particular RAOK (e.g., you could perform many kind acts, why did you choose the one you did?) 2. Norm Violation. What are the spec ific norms (expected or appropriate behavior) for these people in this setting? Specifically describe your three RAOKs, and why they were deviant /norm - breaking in this context. What specific norm(s) did you violate? Explain. 3. Reactions / Sanctions. De scribe the specific reactions (verbal and nonverbal) of each person who received a RAOK and that you observed. Be sure to pr ovide a detailed analysis, including:  How did the recipient — and any others who witnessed the kindness — react? How did people com municate to you that you were doing something deviant? What was said? Changes in facial expressions / nonverbal behavior? Reprimands? Repercussions?)  How did the characteristics of the recipients of your kindness (e.g., race, gender, and ap proximate age), as well as your own, affect the situation?  If the situation was reversed, do you think you would have reacted differently? 4. Personal Effect. Describe how you felt during these three RAOKs, when you were being deviant. Was it easy or diffic ult? Why? 5. Sociological Analysis. What did you learn about deviance – specifically positive deviance - from doing this research? Be very specific as it relates to what you have learned in this course. Your paper should also include a conclusion, which summarizes your arguments and offers any additional commentary.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Writing Assignment
Institutional Affiliation:
Considering some of the depressed people within the society who in many instances feel low and down as a result of the ailment they are going through, I set out on a mission to develop a simple remedy that would aid in their recovery. I was determined to develop a kindness initiative that would involve the performance of random acts of kindness (RAOKs) to these people without expecting any payback, a factor that required them to also show such acts to others by doing something nice.
I have watched many depressed people within our community and as a result of this decided to introduce a kindness therapeutic approach that would require the community to collectively show acts of kindness to these people. Anyone who is showed kindness feels happy, a factor that gives people the satisfaction in life. On the other hand, it is imperative to note that not only the recipients to this acts of kindness benefit from this act. The kind people also experience more happiness when they afford to create happy moments in the lives of others. If an individual were therefore to perform close to five acts of kindness every week within a period of ten weeks they would be more happier that not performing this acts. This paper therefore seeks to determine the manner in which acts of kindness may impact the lives of mentally ill persons within the society.
Description of the RAOKs
On the 19th of January, 2016, I decided to visit one of the community members and perform a RAOK to the depressed. I apparently meet the depressed woman known as Mrs. Rosaline walking to one of the shopping centers to purchase some food for dinner. I then choose to hug the woman and offered to take her shopping, a factor that left her amazed during the entire period. I had previously called on some of the community members who agreed to show their kindness by donating some funds to aid in the shopping’s of the individuals who had mental issues within the community. The woman was so happy and mentioned that it was a while since she could afford a smile as a result of her happiness.
On the 20th of January 2016, I choose to pay a visit to Mr. George who had been neglected by his family members since he returned from prison. George had been living alone in a small house and had considerable showed signs of depression as a result of the challenges he had gone through in life. At around 10; 00 am, I found George in bed talking to him and asked if he would allow me to enter his house. George was excited as soon as I gave him a hug and asked him if we would go out shopping. He couldn’t wait to get into the car as he showed excitement. George was so thankful to the community for showing such an act of kindness through me, a factor that saw him continuously engage in conversations with his neighbors, something that he had never done.
On the 22nd, in a Church service, I meet Andria who had lost his family members who were serving as Ministers of the Gospel in Somalia and were killed by the militia groups in this war region. Immediately after the Church had ended at around 12:30 pm, ...
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