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Describe the Proposed Solution

Essay Instructions:

A literature review to identify a solution to the previously identified problem, which is AN EARLY DETECTION OF DELIRIUM IN THE ICU.

Critique a minimum of 6 (different than previously used) peer reviewed Nursing ARTICLES ( PLEASE no books, only research articles) to provide a sufficient and compelling research base for a proposed solution. A Early detection of delirium in the ICU. 

Completed an annotated bibliography for each article. The articles need to have scales or tools to sustain the identified problem. 

Develop a description of the proposed solution

Describe the proposed solution.

Describe the way(s) in which the proposed solution is consistent with current research knowledge.

Discuss the feasibility of implementing the proposed solution, as what the articles establishes 

Identify appropriate goals, objectives, and expected outcomes

A 700-1,050 word paper consistent with APA formatting guidelines. Include the 6 critiqued references.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Literature review
Course title:
It is a commonly known fact by the concerned health care providers that detection of delirium in the ICU usually happens at a later stage. This prevents the health care providers from giving the necessary intervention at the right time. This leads to deterioration of the condition of the patients because; the patients in the ICU are already ailing from other illnesses. In order to tame this problem, there is a need to come up with a solution so as to ensure early detection of the delirium in the ICU. This would go a long way in ensuring early intervention. This paper analyses this issue by making a critical review of the available literature. In order to achieve early detection of the delirium in ICU, it is crucial that the healthcare providers have enough knowledge concerning the clinical issue. This way, it will be possible for them to detect the problem at an early stage. The knowledge of the clinical issue is crucial to the healthcare providers because; this clinical problem is associated with a lot of fluctuations that can lead to the failure of the health care provider to make early detection especially if they do not have enough knowledge concerning the problem (El Hussein, Hirst, & Salyers, 2015). Knowledge of the susceptible patients as well as the fluctuations associated with this problem is critical to the healthcare providers because it helps them to make early detections of the problem and also to apply the necessary management skills, (Baker, Taggart, Nivens et al, 2015).
There is easy detection of the agitated patients in the ICU; who can be associated with susceptibility to delirium. However, this is not the only sign of delirium. It is crucial that the health care providers are aware of the measures to be taken to as to arrive at early detection of the problem, (Conley, 2011) Early detection of the delirium is consisted with the current literature because there is acknowledgement of the difficulties associated with the detection of delirium in the current literature, (Rivosecchi, Smithburger, Svec et al, 2015)There is also recognition of the crucial role that can be played by improved knowledge of the health care providers in making early detection of delirium in ICU patients. The health care providers need to have knowledge on the usage of the equipment used to diagnose delirium. This can go a long way in actualizing early detection of delirium in ICU. This way, the delirium can be curbed at an early stage, (Conley, 2011).
The current research points to the appreciation of the role played by knowledge of health care providers concerning the issue of delirium in ICU. The knowledge of the healthcare providers about the signs and signs and detection of delirium lead to better management of delirium in the ICU. For instance, the healthcare ...
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