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Managers' and Health Care Providers

Essay Instructions:

I am attaching my last graded paper please se correct apa format Analyzing the Research For the Week 3 Application, you will select two articles from a list, identify the components of a research project and evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of the articles. Select two studies from the list of articles provided in Doc Sharing. The articles are accessed through the Course Readings in the Library. Look for the Week 3 Articles tab. Choose one quantitative article and one qualitative article. Review each selected article based on what you have learned about study design, identifying information from each component of the study. Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each study. Based on your review, write a 5-6-page summary of the two articles using the NURS 4000 Week 3 Assignment Rubric. Identify each component of the research article as outlined in the rubric. Explain why each is a strong or weak study based upon criteria for reliability and validity for quantitative studies. Use criteria for trustworthiness for qualitative studies. Must use one of these Week 3 Assignment Articles Qualitative Articles (Choose one) Cahill, S & Diaz-Ponce, A.M. (2011). ‘I hate having nobody here. I’d like to know where they all are’: Can qualitative research detect differences in quality of life among nursing home residents with different levels of cognitive impairment? Aging & Mental Health, 15(5), 561-572. doi: 10.1080/13607863.2010.551342 Hamilton, G., Corlett, J. & Dowling, M. (2014). Adult-trained perioperative nurses’ practice of family-centered care. British Journal of Nursing, 23(9), 477-482. doi: 10.12968/bjon.2014.23.9.477 Lavoie-Tremblay, M., O’Connor, P., Lavigne, G.L., Biron, A., Ringer, J., Baillargeon, S. MacGibbon, B., Cyr, G., & Briand, A. (2014). Transforming care at the bedside: Manager’s and health care providers’ perceptions of their change capacities. Journal of Continuing Education in Nursing, 45(11), 514-520. doi:10.3928/00220124-20141023-02 Vandenberg, H. & Kalischuk, R.G. (2014). Conceptualizations of culture and cultural care among undergraduate nursing students: An exploration and critique of cultural education. Journal of Cultural Diversity, 21(3), 99-107. Retrieved from http://tuckerpub(dot)com/jcd.htm Quantitative Articles (Choose one) Duncan, C., Riley, T.V. Carson, K.C., Budgeon, C.A. & Siffleet, J. (2013). The effect of an acidic cleanser versus soap on the skin pH and micro-flora of adult patients: A non-randomized two group crossover study in an intensive care unit. Intensive and Critical Care Nursing, 29, 291-296. doi; 10.1016/j.iccn.2013.03.005 Hairr, D.C., Salisbury, H., Johannsson, M. & Redfern-Vance, N. (2014). Nurse staffing and the relationship to job satisfaction and retention. Nursing Economic$, 32(3), 142-147. Retrieved from http://www(dot)nursingeconomics(dot)net/cgi-bin/WebObjects/NECJournal.woa Kalisch, B.J., Xie, B. & Ronis, D.L. (2013). Train-the-trainer intervention to increase nursing teamwork and decrease missed nursing care in acute are patient units. Nursing Research, 62(6), 405-413. doi: 10.1097/NNR.0b013e3182a7a15d Pokrywka, M., Feigel., J., Douglas, B., Grossberger, S., Hensler, A., & Weber, D. (2014). A bundle strategy including patient hand hygiene to decrease clostridium difficile infections. MedSurg Nursing, 23(3), 145-164. Retrieved from http://www(dot)medsurgnursing(dot)net/cgi-bin/WebObjects/MSNJournal.woa Sarna, L. P., Bialous, S. A., Kraliková, E., Kmetova, A., Felbrová, V., Kulovaná, S., & ... Brook, J. K. (2014). Impact of a smoking cessation educational program on nurses' interventions. Journal of Nursing Scholarship, 46(5), 314-321. doi:10.1111/jnu.12086

Essay Sample Content Preview:
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29th April 2015
In the modern health care provision, there are some of issues that have to be taken care of. These issues vary depending on the health care providers and the institutions that offer health care. Nurses and doctors are some of the most important players in the health sector (Dickson & Flynn, 2008). For them to give the best care which is cost-effective the hiring process and motivation to work should be highly monitored and perfectly done. For patients to be offered the best available health-care, several factors come into effect. They include motivation and retention of nurses and/or all health care providers to ensure that they are motivated in their work enabling their retention and better health care services given to patients. Engaging them to work as a team is a critical factor that influences the effectives and success of the health care sector (The Institute of Medicine, 2011).
This research analysis will discuss two articles that are both related to healthcare. Transforming Care at the Bedside: Managers’ and Health care Providers’ Perceptions of their Change Capacities is an article which analyzes the participation of the health care providers and managers to forge changes and improve their working environment. Nurse staffing and the relationship to job satisfaction and retention is a quantitative analysis which examines the relationship between nurse staffing, job satisfaction and nurse retention in an acute care hospital environment.
Does Nurse Staffing affect job satisfaction and nurse retention?
Nursing staffing is a very critical aspect of quality healthcare provision. The nurse: patient ratio in many healthcare providers proved to be a factor which affected job satisfaction and retention of nurses. The article by the Institute of Medicine Nurse staffing and the relationship to job satisfaction and retention analyses how the nurse: patient ratio affects the job satisfaction and retention levels in the healthcare providers in the US (Hairr, 2014). In the United States Health care is a commodity and nurses command a high budgetary allocation. Previous studies in Magnet hospitals in various states have shown that nurse staffing was directly linked with patient safety. There was a shift in mortality rates when the nurse-patient ratios were 4:1 or below. The study revealed that there was a shift of mobility by 6% when nursing staffing was changed in the Magnet hospital (The Institute of Medicine, 2011). With the high cost of provision of nurses in the health care providers, it was important to understand what other factors would also come up to save the economy lots of expenditure. Apart from saving the economy and also impacting positively on the patients, the level of nurse staffing impacts on job satisfaction and retention levels of the nurses. When nurses are exposed to inadequate levels of staffing, they tend to leave their positions and vice versa thus their importance in health care provision (Dill, 2008).
This is a quantitative research study which was done to examine the relationship which exists between nurse staffing levels, job satisfaction and nurse retention in acute care hospital environments (Hairr, 2014). The study was based on practicing licensed registered nurses who had worked in the acute care hospital environment for not less than six months. There was an inclusion criteria which included licensed as a registered nurse, six months experience of care nursing, employed in an acute care hospital. The participants also provide other demographic data including their age, gender, highest level of education, nursing specialty whether employed in a magnet hospital and number of years of nursing experience (Hairr, 2014). The model of data collection used involved set of questions which the participants reviewed and answered which provided insights to their satisfaction levels of their jobs and whether they thought of leaving their jobs. Nurses were assessed on their satisfaction levels based on the nurse: patient ratio in situations they had already experienced together with their take on the economic experiences which had caused them to review the decision of staying at their current jobs in the health care industry (Hairr, 2014).
The research study managed to get 70 respondents whose responses to the questions were reviewed (Hairr, 2014). Their responses about the number of patients assigned to them were diverse with nurses from Magnet hospital reporting a lower average than their counterparts from non-Magnet hospitals. The number of patients assigned to the nurses symbolized the workload during their shifts. T...
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