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Describe the forensic risk assessment and risk management approaches used within

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Forensic Risk Assessment and Risk Management Approaches used within Scotland Student’s Name Institution Course Name and Number Lecturer’s Name Due Date Definition of Risk The Risk Management Authority (RMA), a non-departmental public body of the Scottish government that assesses and manages risks posed by violent and sexual offenders in Scotland, defines risk as the nature, likelihood, frequency, duration, severity, and imminence of an offense (Barry, 2019). Burman et al. (2019) claim that risk tends to relate to susceptibility in older individuals. According to Crighton (2022), the risk is the likelihood that actual results will contradict the expected results. From a business perspective, a risk is an event the reputation or image of an organization. From an individual viewpoint, risk refers to the possibility that something unpleasant or bad such as loss or injury will happen. Based on these definitions, it is safe to note that risk has no single description. However, the outcome of a risk is uniform. That is to say, risk has a negative impact on an object, individual, or organization. Introduction Forensic risk assessment and risk management approaches are critical to many decisions in the criminal justice process and mental health facilities. These approaches are used widely across the globe, making forensic risk assessment a worldwide phenomenon. Assessing the risks of involving criminals in serious incidents is critical for practicing involuntary treatment in psychiatric hospitals (Galsworthy et al., 2021). The precision of any prognosis is necessary to increase the significance of control over such individuals at the level of preventive measures and during crisis interventions. Various potential risks forensic experts encounter are sometimes showcased in television shows, where specialists cope with the assigned tasks efficiently. An example of such a program is the American Television Show, ''Criminal Minds''. This show presents a vivid case of one of the characters' mental illnesses and methods used by professionals to address the problem. According to an international survey that covered six continents, forensic psychologists utilize one of three evidence-based approaches when addressing violence, general recidivism, and sex offender risk assessment: Actuarial assessment, unstructured clinical judgment, and structured clinical judgment (Crighton, 2022). In Scotland, risk assessment informs decisions by the Parole Board and Scottish Ministers regarding sentencing, inmate release, and other decisions about offenders (Burman et al., 2019). A similar application occurs in mental health law where psychologists consider risk a factor in the decision to discharge or detain a patient. It influences decisions regarding the level of freedom or security accorded to a patient. Studies show that risk assessment became a more significant process in the nineties due to the political demand for strategies to address serious violent crime and prevent recidivism (Murphy, 2020). Although issues that dominated the eighties debate such as self-harm and custody risks remain valid concerns, recidivism and serious harm risks became ever more significant issues in youth justice and probation practice in the nineties. In both instances, the risk was regarded as the offender's attribute (Singh, 2016). This essay explores forensic risk assessment and management approaches used within Scotland. Risk Assessment Risk assessment is the attempt to predict the possibility of future violence to identify people who need intervention (Whittington, et al., 2013). In the mental health setting, risk assessment focuses on the risk of self-harm, suicide, aggression, and violence. It involves gathering information on a client's history, current mental health, and environmental conditions, including any significant stresses, triggers, or risk factors (Vojt, 2021). Risk management, on the other hand, involves adopting proactive and preventive approaches that reduce the likelihood of harm (Thomson et al., 2008). It is achieved by implementing strategies to help in detecting risk factors. Risk assessment approaches have been employed in various settings to prioritize risk reduction strategies. Some common risk assessment methods include relational risk assessment, environmental risk assessment, and procedural risk assessment. Relational Risk Assessment Relational risk assessment is an approach implemented by practitioners to assess and understand the potential risks within relationships. It involves evaluating the interactions, dynamics, and dependencies between different entities to determine possible risk sources and their potential effects (Blumenthal et al., 2018). This approach gives the practitioner a novel framework for understanding the complex and subtle issues involved in analyzing and managing risks (Blumenthal et al., 2018). In Scotland, relational risk assessment performs vital functions within the country’s mental health facilities. The strategy ensures effective diagnosis and treatment of individuals with mental issues. Scottish mental health facilities perform relational risk assessments to assess the risk of violence or harm to self and others. This includes evaluating the patient's relationships with family members, peers, healthcare providers, and support networks to identify potential conflicts or triggers that may escalate into violent behavior (Blumenthal et al., 2018). Understanding relational dynamics enables mental health professionals to develop effective risk management and mitigation strategies. Environmental Risk Assessment Environmental risk assessment is an approach that analyses the likelihood of risk due to exposure to chemical compounds. It is used in various fields including industrial activities, public health evaluations, chemical management, and environmental impact evaluations for development projects (Gerba, 2019). This approach helps stakeholders and decision-makers understand the potential effects of their actions on the environment and take adequate measures to protect ecosystems. Loss of life and property, regular industrial accidents, statutory needs, public scrutiny, and extreme industrial processes necessitate the implementation of risk management (Gerba, 2019). Today, human activities have led to harmful environmental effects like global warming, prompting industries to develop effective measures to prevent these hazardous events. In Scotland, environmental risk assessment plays a key role in mental health. It involves collaboration among mental health professionals, researchers, policymakers, government agencies, and community organizations to identify priority areas for intervention and implement evidence-based strategies (Quinn, et al., 2022). The objective is to establish environments that promote mental health and support recovery across Scotland. Assessing environmental risks in mental health entails evaluating accessibility, availability, and quality of services (Gerba, 2019). This includes evaluating barriers to accessing care, such as stigma, financial constraints, logistics, and cultural competence of service providers. Procedural Risk Assessment This risk assessment method involves systematic identification and evaluation of potential risks related to procedures, processes, and activities within an organization (O’Dowd et al., 2023). It aims to determine vulnerabilities and weaknesses in workflows and identify measures to manage those risks efficiently. The model works by first identifying the processes, procedures, or activities that need assessment. This may include financial procedures, project management workflows, and compliance activities. Once the administrators identify the processes, they look for potential risks associated with each procedure. This is followed closely by risk analysis, which involves assessing the possibility of the risk and its severity. Administrators then develop and implement risk mitigation and management strategies to respond to the identified risks. Forensic Risk Assessment and Management Approaches in Scotland Forensic risk assessment and management involves the application of evidence-based methods to identify and mitigate risks. They include actuarial risk assessment, unstructured clinical judgment, and structured professional judgment. Actuarial Approach Actuarial risk assessment focuses on prediction. This technique relies on statistical calculations of probability correlating specific risk factors with reconviction data (Barry, 2019). It uses statistical methods to predict uncertainty or estimate the likelihood of future events, especially in the context of predicting criminal behavior and analyzing risks posed by individuals (Whittington, et al., 2013). Forensic psychologists total the scores of risk/protective and static/dynamic factors using a statistical methodology and then cross-reference them with a manual containing recidivism estimates (Murphy, 2020). The approach is primarily based on information about group risk of re-offending, evaluated in extensive studies of populations using meta-analytical tools. Actuarial analysis of a person measures how far the person shares the primary group attributes like age, gender, and criminal records, which are linked to risk levels (Burman et al., 2019). In developing the actuarial approach, psychologists study the histories and outcomes of samples of violent offenders to identify features that predict recidivis...
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