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New Regulations Draft

Essay Instructions:
Living up to her promise, the newly elected governor has appointed you as the Director of Cannabis Regulation and Control for the Cannabis Affairs Agency. The state legalized cannabis for adult-use and medical use two years ago, but it has become clear that a few persistent issues need to be addressed: Testing - The first set of regulations did not include any requirements for testing the products at any stage. Since then, a series of high-profile cases has increased political pressure to create regulations to test all cannabis products sold in the state. However, it needs to do it in a way that is practical for businesses and that does not drive prices through the roof for consumers. Public Consumption - When the initial regulations were written, all cannabis consumption was prohibited anywhere other than one’s own private property. Since then, a number of cannabis businesses have been vocal that they want to offer all sorts of on-site consumption options to boost their revenue (and tax) opportunities. Medical patients are also complaining that they cannot legally use their medication as they need it. To be honest, the policy of prohibiting cannabis use in all forms everywhere has made it practically impossible to enforce that prohibition anywhere. The state's public consumption regulations need to address some of these concerns. Social Equity - When the state legalized cannabis, it was promised to the public that regulations would be created that were aimed at righting some of the social inequities caused by cannabis prohibition. However, after two years of a legal cannabis industry, the demographics most negatively impacted are still woefully underrepresented in the ownership, management, and operations of the state's cannabis companies. There is a desire for there to be one or more regulations that will help bring more women, minorities, and individuals with certain cannabis-related felonies into the industry. There are a limited number of additional licenses to award under current law, so while issuing social equity licenses may be part of your plan, it will not be enough. ASSIGNMENT Using your revised matrix of values and other resources that you think will help you, draft a section of regulation to address each of the above issues. Your draft regulations will be presented to the public for a comment and feedback period before they are officially enacted. Remember, public regulations must be both comprehensive and understandable by the general public. Regulatory guidelines indicate that each issue should be addressable within two pages (double spaced) of regulatory text, although within a single page is ideal. Your draft may incorporate “appendices” where necessary for technical details that may need to be determined by a scientific advisory body. For example, your testing regulations may refer to a “Heavy Metals” appendix that identifies all of the heavy metals and any procedural standards that qualifying tests must meet. For the purposed of this assignment, tou do not need to draft these detailed appendices, but you should describe with particularity what the appendix will contain and how it will be used.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and Section Professor’s Name Date Testing Requirements for Cannabis Products Purpose The purpose of the regulation is to protect the safety and quality of cannabis products purchased from the state, as well as to create reasonable and fair testing standards for businesses and consumers (Bewley-Taylor et al., 2020). Testing Requirements Cannabinoid Potency Testing All cannabis products need to be tested to determine the amount of cannabinoids contained within them (THC and CBD levels) to guarantee accurate labeling. Pesticide and Contaminant Testing Cannabis products need to be validated for the presence of pesticides, herbicides, and fungicides, and other contaminants to guarantee the safety of the consumer. Microbial Testing It is necessary to test for microbial contaminants- including mold, bacteria and yeast – in order to prevent the marketing of products that could pose health hazards. Residual Solvent Testing Residual solvents in cannabis extracts and concentrates require testing of the extracted cannabis to assure product safety. Implementation The testing laboratories shall be licensed and they shall use the validated methods and equipment. The state Cannabis Affairs Agency is a guarantor of guidelines and standards for testing procedures to maintain a conformity and accuracy. Compliance The cannabis businesses have to ensure that all of their products comply with the testing standards before they are made available for sale. These products will not be permitted onto the market if they do not comply with the rules. Enforcement The Agency for Cannabis Affairs will monitor the compliance of all licensed testing laboratories and cannabis businesses to the testing regulations through regular inspections. Failing to adhere to regulations could lead to penalties or license revocation. Public Comment Period It is proposed that the regulations for testing will be open for public comments for a period of 30 days for seeking feedback from stakeholders and the general public. Comments and recommendations will be taken into account before the final approval of regulations for use. Public Consumption of Cannabis Purpose This rule is geared to...
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