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Health, Medicine, Nursing
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What Is Nursing? What Does Professionalism Mean?

Essay Instructions:

After reading the assignments on professionalism and completing the resilience activities, define what nursing means to you; what does professionalism mean? Is professionalism important to the nursing practice?  How resilient are you? What can you do to improve your resilience? Explain your position.
Please below are some videos to be watched and I have attached a Professionalism Article and please compare it to the Grading Rubric when finished. 

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Definition of Nursing
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Definition of Nursing
What is Nursing?
Nursing is a line of work within the health care, dedicated to care of persons, and societies so as to pull through optimal health and quality of life. Nurses autonomously monitor and assess patients’ progress by determining what they need to attain and preserve their health. Nurses are expected to deliver an effective and safe service that is compassionate and caring (Whitcomb, 2007). They are expected to work within the defined regulatory context of personal and professional standards in abiding by the ethics and professional code of practice.
What Does Professionalism Mean?
Professionalism describes competence, skills, and qualities that one is expected to bring to the work environment. Professionalism also includes clear communication, self-reflective, respect and dependably demonstrating responsibility’ within health care. Professionalism for nurses has always meant cherishing the wounded, providing comprehensive care and giving patients a top priority (Dubree, et al., 2017).
Nursing has moved to professional status as a result of professional certificates and education standards (Ghadirian, Salsali, & Cheraghi, 2014). The stronger basis of theory and practice has brought about social cognition in the nursing discipline. They are considered as independent decision makers and cost-benefit health care providers by the society. Nurses need restrained and fair tactic when addressing obstinate patterns when they occur and averting progress of harmful patterns.
Is Professionalism Important to Nursing Practice?
Professionally, nurses are anticipated to establish a certain element of selflessness, asceticism and have the precise approach in their relations. Each clinician is expected to know the apprehensions and understand the tasks that are fundamental to the nursing profession. To provide care to patients as a team of health care professionals requires inner and outward serenity that last throughout the day.
Nurses’ professionalism is judged based on their behaviors, presentation, and appearances. The core principles that are appreciated and expected in nurses are honesty, integrity, and respect for patients and believe in human ...
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