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Define And Describe In Detail A Case-Control Study

Essay Instructions:

1) Define and describe in detail a case-control study.
What are the components of a case-control study?
Describe these components in detail.
Why is case-control study considered an analytical epidemiological study?
Why is a case-control study considered an observational study?
Define and describe the exposure (or risk factor) variable.
Define and describe the outcome (or disease) variable.
Provide a timeline and a diagram of how this type of study design works,
from beginning to end and describe the timeline and/or diagram.
Describe the advantages of a case-control study.
2) Define and describe in detail a prospective cohort study.
What are the components of a prospective cohort study?
Describe these components in detail.
Why is a prospective cohort study considered an analytical epidemiological study?
Define and describe the exposure (or risk factor) variable.
Define and describe the outcome (or disease) variable.
Provide a timeline and a diagram of how this type of study design works,
from beginning to end and describe the timeline and/or diagram.
What is the difference(s) between a prospective cohort study and a retrospective cohort study?
Describe the disadvantages of a cohort study.
3) Is a cross-sectional study design a type of descriptive, observational study?
Describe the details of a cross-sectional study design.
Provide temporal information about exposure and outcome.
Provide a diagram of the timeline of this study design if at all possible.
What are the disadvantages of this type of study design?
4) Define analytical study designs.
Define experimental study designs.
Define controlled trials.
Describe the details of a controlled trial design.
How are analytical studies and experimental studies and controlled trials related?
What are the advantages of a randomized, placebo-controlled trial?
5) For your Analytical Epidemiological Literature Review of GHP assignment (due on Week 9),
you are asked in #3 to review at least two cohort studies, at least one case-control
study and at least one randomized controlled trial (and/or systematic review or meta-analysis).
Please state/list your intended choices for all of the above study articles and
provide me with copies the pdf files (or working links) for each of these studies
that you intend to review for this assignment.
You may upload those files to the drop box or you may Course Message them to me.
Please label each study by design type and provide a very brief statement of justification
as to why each study listed is in fact, that type of study design.
6) BONUS Question: In what special circumstances can a cross-sectional
study be considered an analytical (hypothesis testing) type of epidemiological
study versus a descriptive type of epidemiological study"?
If you decide to attempt this special bonus, then Course Message me and inform
me that you intend to participate in the bonus question for the exam.
I will need PDFs of your sources. Also, the paper does not have to be to its entirety, I just need to answer each question and provide references and pdf's

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Exam Essay
Question 1
A case-control study refers to an observation based study, whereby the deferring outcomes from the two research groups are compared based on some specific casual groups (Mann, 2014). Case-control studies are typically used to investigate and identify factors that contributes to a particular medical conditions by focusing and comparing the variables who have a certain conditions against individuals who are not affected by the exact conditions but otherwise related (Mann, 2014).
Case-control study is comprised of six key components, namely, study base, case definition (disease), controls, confounders, and analysis and section bias (Mann, 2014).
Study base refers to the population sample of the people who would be used in the study in the process of investigating the disease. These people include both the infected and uninfected people (Mann, 2014).
The case definition or the disease is a section that describes the newly diagnosed illness (Mann, 2014).
The controls represents the population sample who represents those who are without the illness. This groups is compared against the infected group to determine the impacts and risks factors of the disease (Mann, 2014).
Confounders address the factors or the constraints that could distort or conceal the actual effects of the exposures in the case definition (Mann, 2014).
Analysis part addresses on the manner on how the information was investigated and handled.
Selection bias attempts to answer the questions such as, were the population sample similar or were they normal (Steenland, 2013).
A control study is considered an analytical epidemiological study because uses the already known outcomes to trace and investigate the exposures. In other words, the researchers are always aware of subjects outcome’s before they are enrolled in their respective group (Meiri, 2013). In additional, the major objective of the study is to compare the between the diseased and the non-diseased in a bid to establish the possible association of a suspected risk factor or a variable to the illness, which is investigated by comparing between the two sample groups with regard to how frequently the risk factors or variables has affected each group retrospectively (Steenland, 2013).
A case-control study considered an observational study because the all process majorly focuses on determining the exposure to the risk factor of interest from each of the two groups of individuals and there is no attempted intervention is installed to change the course of the disease (Meiri, 2013).
Exposures refers to the interview cases and controls that acts as the disease agents. They include elements such as behaviours, smoking, food habit, environmental conditions. Typically, exposures precedes the outcome which is the disease (Meiri, 2013).
Outcomes(diseases) refers to the newly diagnosed disease, which is selected based on the disease status and the selection is done only after creating a precise criteria for defining the interest of the illness (Mann, 2014).
Case Control Study Timeline
1 The investigators first select the groups with the diseases then proceed to select those without.
2 Then, the investigator analyse and compares the earlier exposures of the two groups.
3 The second groups’ acts as a control experiment to provide a comparison benchmark of the degree of exposure between the two populations (Steenland, 2013).
4 Evaluating the degree of exposure among the population sample
5 Deducing as to whether the disease is said to be associated with the exposure or not (Steenland, 2013).
3276601172085001495425191135230505010160Study Base 00Study Base
857250223520Outcome (Disease)00Outcome (Disease)3676650191135Controls 00Controls
1428749199390Not Exposed00Not Exposed4467224151765Not Exposed00Not Exposed3276600153670Exposed 00Exposed 295275191770Exposed 00Exposed
Advantages of Case-Control Studies
1 It is an essential tool for investigating rare and unique conditions and disease
2 Important in studying new studies to develop initial relationship and hypothesis for future studies (Mann, 2014).
3 It is able to provide answers to the question that could not be answered by other studies (Steenland, 2013).
4 Can be used to study more than one kind of exposures
5 It is effective and efficient as it is less costly and less time consuming
Question 2
A prospective cohort study refers to an experimental study that focuses on a group of population who are in similar conditions but have deferring few factors to establish how these factors affects affect rates of a certain outcome over a period of time. This kind of study is usually incorporates several sample population and examine theme over a long a period (Mann, 2014).
Components of a prospective cohort stud are made up of defined population, exposure and outcomes.
Defined population refers to a cohort group made up of people who are affected by a similar conditions. Sometimes, the population may include all the identified group or simply a sample.
Exposure is defined as a controlled or an uncontrolled medical conditions such as a a psychiatric condition (Mann, 2014).
Outcomes refers to specific and measurable disease that is identified among a population sample.
Timeline of a Prospective Cohort Study
1 Select the Cohort Population
2 Measure the level exposures risk factors
3 Follow up
4 Measure disease outcome
5 Estimate disease risk associated with exposure
Prospective Cohort Study
13525492470150020288268890Defined (Population) 00Defined (Population)
3676650189230Unexposed Cohort 00Unexposed Cohort 857250223520Exposed Cohort00Exposed Cohort
4467224155575Disease Free00Disease Free1428750203199Disease Free00Disease Free3276600155575Disease 00Disease 295275193675Disease Developed 00Disease Developed
Selecting cohort population is the gathering of all the participants, which include both exposed and unexposed subjects (Villaseñor, López, & Arguilaga, 2011).
To determine the level of exposure, the study ought to have a clear and unambigu...
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