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Summary Of Health Promotions Nursing Assignment Paper

Essay Instructions:

You have transition into a new position in at a community health clinic and you have been assigned to write a summary for board of directors that outlines the progress that has been made in Health Promotion/Health education and Disease Prevention for 2016. The summary will speak to the progress that has been made in the areas above and also future reference plan that you will like to work on for the coming year.

Items to write in the summary.

In 2016 I have observed how our programs were being ran. We had Diabetes Prevention Program In which is a very rigorous and we must strictly follow the CDC curriculum. This was very difficult for our patients since there is a big time commitment and our number of participants started to decrease throughout time. We also had Diabetes Self Management Program from Stanford. This workshop covered techniques to deal with the symptoms of diabetes, fatigue, pain, stress and emotional problems, appropriate exercise for maintaining and improving strength and endurance, healthy eating, appropriate use of medication and working more effectively with health care providers. After many attempts it was unsuccessful since we did not meet the number of required participants. It was difficult to recruit since there was already a diabetes educator at the clinic and all of the patients that were eligible in attending our classes did not because our diabetes educator was already educating them one on one or over the phone on the same material. I also observed that we did not have the right staff to educate on the above programs. With the help of the Community Health Assesment grant that can be provided we will be able to understand from our community we serve on how to have a modified diabetes prevention program that will work and be less rigorous yet effective.

Exercise Program:

It was a difficult start but we are moving in the right direction. It took some time to have a partnership with the recreation center and we have had Zumba running successfully. For this year I am working with a healthy living coordinator from regis university who will be helping us with Yoga for our patients. They will provide us with instructor and marketing and outreach to have a successful yoga program. My goal is to have Bootcamp in the summer for families and all this is based from the survey results that were collected.

Breast Health Education: I have been working hard all year to be able to train staff on how to create medical appointments in order to remove a barrier to community members and potential patient to schedule an appointment to get annual physicals done and referred for mammogram. This is now being done when our staff are doing Breast health education in the community and organization, after the workshop our staff are able to help them get care. This will create more work for our staff but it will be more effective and allow us to recruit patients that have not returned to our clinic and improve customer service and remove a barrier for patients. This year we are now doing Cervical cancer education and the same workflow has been implemented to help reduce barrier to our community members and patients and be able to be screen at the clinic. We are also working on improving the workflow for mammograms when the “mammovan” of Saint Joes is at the clinic. We want to make it easier for the patient, and medical staff to create a referral and better track the patient appointment and making sure all necessary paperwork is completed.

Outreach and Enrollment Specialist; It has been a difficult year with this position as we did not have this position filled and with transition it was not filled. Our new team member has been working hard in getting to know the community we serve, getting to know the neighborhood associations and really working on developing or redeveloping those partnerships to do marketing and promote our clinic and promote enrollment services. Also has been working hard on getting our social media page up with more followers and more content for our page to promote our clinic, services and enrollment.

Cooking Classes: We provided our cooking class twice last year and I am hoping to have it twice this year or even more based on feedback that we receive from our patients and community. (Please write the importance of healthy cooking and how it will benefit patient in our clinic).

Tobacco awareness and cancer awareness; We are working hard in working together with Public Housing in the Denver Metro area to provide technical assistance for residents on how to quit smoking. Since there is a rule now that residents living at the public housing will no longer be able to smoke. We will provide with brochures and materials and directing them to our clinic for resources on how to quit smoking thanks to our Quitline referral progam that we have.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Summary of health promotions
Since 2016 the diabetes prevention program has been ran successfully while integrating the CDC curriculum, but there was a challenge of getting willing participants to be involved in the program. There was emphasis on exercising and maintaining healthy lifestyles to improve healthy outcomes and reduce the risk of diabetes. Diabetes Self Management Program from Stanford targeted health promoting behaviors and disseminating information on diabetes management. However, difficulties in recruiting participants who were willing to learn and engage with the program stakeholders affected the progress of the program. It was recommended that there ought to be outreach initiatives to motivate more people to participate in the diabetes prevention programs. Knowledgeable diabetes educators make a big influence in advancing knowledge on diabetes management as they can address differ aspects of diabetes management and address the various environmental and biological factors that influence the prevalence of diabetes. It was further recommended to use grants from the Community Health Assessment to modify diabetes management to improve outcomes.
The exercise program has been effective in attracting people to fitness and wellness program more than was anticipated. Inactivity increases the risk of health deterioration, and the program was essential in maintaining weight control. Through partnership with a recreation center, there have been Zumba dance lessons and yoga sessions at the gym to improve fitness. People understand the importance of exercises and are receptive to more organized programs including boot camps.
Efforts to raise awareness on breast health education have garnered interest, and there is emphasis on more people getti...
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