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Critical Decision Making For Providers: Failure to Report Incidences

Essay Instructions:

Mike is running late again. The last time he spoke with his supervisor, he promised he would be on time. Mike even left his home 20 minutes earlier than usual, but there was an accident on his commute. The job is very important to Mike. He is the sole provider for his wife and newborn baby, but his supervisor told him that if he continued to be late he might face termination. Upon arriving, Mike observes a spill on the floor. He must make a decision: stop and make sure the spill is cleaned up or ignore it all together. If he safeguards the spill, surely he will be late clocking in and could face losing his job. Anyway, the spill is in another work area, and perhaps it will be cleaned up while he is clocking in. What decision should he make?

Not reporting Spill:
Mike decides to clock in so he does not face losing his job. He is making every effort to keep his job and cannot afford to be terminated. Besides, he has a list of things he needs to accomplish from yesterday in addition to his assignment for the day. Certainly someone else who is responsible for the area will take care of the spill soon.
Later, Mike is asked to go to a patient’s room to gather some patient information. He learns the patient was admitted to the hospital after falling in the lobby this morning. The patient is in a lot of pain and appears to have a broken hip from the injury. The patient goes on to describe the incident and asks him why this would happen in the hospital. She states, "I thought the hospital was a safe place. Don’t they have programs to prevent these things?"
A wave of guilt floods over Mike. He questions himself, “Could I have prevented this from happening?" Mike is now faced with a new dilemma. Should he admit to his supervisor what occurred upon his arrival to work this morning? What if by his admission, he is terminated anyway?

Reports the Problem:
Mike stops in at the front desk to have housekeeping paged. Housekeeping routinely takes 3-5 minutes to arrive on site, but he does not have the time to simply wait. Using the telephone at the front desk, he calls to notify his supervisor that he is in the building, but needed to stop to assist with a spill in the main lobby. His supervisor thanked him for calling and asked Mike if the time could be made up at the end of his shift. Appreciatively, Mike agreed.

In a 750-1,200 word paper, describe the scenario involving Mike, the lab technician, and answer the following questions:
What were the consequences of a failure to report?
What impact did his decision have on patient safety, on the risk for litigation, on the organization's quality metrics, and on the workload of other hospital departments?
As Mike's manager, what will you do to address the issue with him and ensure other staff members do not repeat the same mistakes?
A minimum of three academic references from credible sources are required for this assignment.

Prepare this assignment according to the APA guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a grading rubric. Instructors will be using the rubric to grade the assignment; therefore, students should review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the assignment criteria and expectations for successful completion of the assignment.
You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin. Refer to the directions in the Student Success Center. Only Word documents can be submitted to Turnitin.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

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Critical Decision Making for Providers
Overview of the Case Study
The case study presents a scenario where Mike, a devote lab technician hassquabbles with his boss due to habitual lateness. In one of the incidences, he affirms his commitment to reporting early. He is the sole bread winner for his family, and hence cannot afford to gamble with his job. His boss made it clear that if his lateness persisted, then he could have his contract terminated. Though Mike undertook not to report late again, he is faced with yet another scenario where he would report late notwithstanding the fact that he left home 20 minutes earlier than usual. On arrival at his workplace, he notices a spill over on the floor. As a safety conscious staff, Mike is confronted with a decision dilemma on whether to ignore the spill so as to safeguard his job or report the incidence and risk dismissal. If he chose to report the spill, he would still risk losing his job which he seriously needed. The decision making dilemma that Mike is faced with is whether to proceed and report the spill and risk dismissal or whether to ignore the spill and proceed to clock in notwithstandingthe danger that it posed. The case study presents a complete picture of the decision dilemma that Mike and other healthcare providers face from day to day. This essay explores the consequences of each alternative decision.
Consequences arising from Mike’s failure to report the incidence
The decision dilemma that Mike faces is twofold. Either way, there are consequences associated with the decision to either ignore or report the spill. However, reporting the spill does seem to carry adverse consequences considering that he had received a stern warning from his boss. Still, reporting the spill would also mean that he clocks in late and risk dismissal. Although ignoring the spill seems a plausible alternative, it has the potential of causing patient fall and injury. His failure to report the spill exposed patients to falls. In fact, a patient stumbled and fell after stepping on the spill thussustaining a broken hip. Subsequent to the fall, Mike is now faced with another ethical dilemma on whether or not to open up and take responsibility for his brazen failure to report the incidence. However, his confession could spell doom as it could bemisconstrued as negligence and cost him his job. On the other hand, his failureto report has double consequencesas well since besides causing injury; it could also adversely impact on the healthcare facility’s reputation. Due to Mike’s negligence, the hospital is exposed as lacking an effective patient safety program which is a gross violation of workplace health and safety regulations.Besides, the fall caused an injury which could have been forestalled had Mike taken the appropriate precautionary measures by reporting the incidence (Nelson et al., 2008). This could have effectively mitigated the fall and its consequences. Furthermore, Mike’s ignorance caused the patient to suffer a psychological trauma and depression.
The Impact of Mike’s Failure to Report
Mike’s failure to report the spill had far reaching adverse implications on the patient and the healthcare facility. His decision to ignore the spill in abid to protect his job exposed the hospital’s weak patient safety systems. Patient safety is acritical aspect of healthcare since providers have an ethical and legal mandate of protecting patien...
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