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Legal System SLP. HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control

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HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control

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The Public Health
Institution Affiliation
HIV/AIDS Prevention and Control
The government is obligated to play a lot of important roles to its citizens. Among those many roles, public health is rated as one of the most fundamental requirement. In the field of public health, disease prevention and control top the list. In that area, the government comes up with strategies that might help control an already existing disease and or at the same time help to prevent the exact disease from spreading further and in this particular case, the HIV/AIDS disease. The Centre for Disease Control (CDC) is mandated to overlook the overall health programs and activities of the United States populations. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) is a federal agency that foresees the health standards of the US population are met accordingly as per the stipulated law.
Challenges Arising from the Control and Prevention of the HIV/AIDS and Their Potential Impacts to the Public Health
Globally, there has been a great commitment depicted in the control of HIV/AIDS. However, this pandemic has significantly increased and the virus keeps on disseminating with alarming and increasing rates. Failure of coverage and accessibility to the prevention services has proven to be a great challenge to the public health. This is as a result of the so many efforts that have proved to be insufficient in controlling the spread of the pandemic or to lengthen the lives of those majority infected. The intended success has not been realized due to the following reasons. A lot of people who could be in need of help from the control and prevention strategies are not easily accessible. Some of these people actually fail to avail themselves of such activities due to fear of being judged by those people that are not infected CITATION Arv03 \l 1033 (Singhal, 2003). Other diseases such as tuberculosis and malaria have made the public health servants shift and lay attention to the HIV/AIDS pandemic. The existence of other diverse diseases has resulted in less input being made on the subject matter. In addition, the lack of rigorous evaluation is another stressing challenge. Perhaps this is because there is a shortage of reliable evidence to steer the selection of interventions for explicit areas or populations. Also, enough resources to do everything everywhere is insufficient thus choices have to be made and at the same time priorities set. Finally, the agencies themselves try to avoid programs that discourse sexual behaviors, drug use and highly stigmatized and vulnerable populations ...
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