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Decision-Making Models, Issue of Privacy, and Truthfulness

Essay Instructions:

Case Scenario:
A 6-year-old develops a high fever accompanied by violent vomiting and convulsions while at school. The child is rushed to a nearby hospital. The attending physician makes a diagnosis of meningitis and requests permission to initiate treatment from the parents. The child's parents are divorced. The mother, who is not the biological parent of the child, has primary custody. She is a Christian Scientist who insists that no medical treatment be offered for religious reasons. The biological father, who resides in another state, is also contacted. He insists that treatment be given and seeks independent consultation from another physician.
In a formal, written paper of 800-1,200 words, answer the following questions:
What is the ethical dilemma here?
Describe the decision-making model you selected from your readings.
How would you resolve this dilemma using the model?
Include, at the end of your paper, a 200-word dialog in which you explain your decision to the family. (Remember to use language that the family would understand).
A minimum of three references must be used.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Applying Ethical Frameworks in Practice
Ethical dilemma
Ethical dilemmas exist when one is faced with situations where morals, values, and principles are in conflict. In this case, the ethical dilemma is that a child has meningitis, a life-threatening condition, but the primary guardian is a Christian Scientist who does not support medical interventions on religious grounds. Since the father wants to continue with the medical treatment, this will create problems and ethical dilemma on what the medical practitioners will choose. This is because the guardian and father are the two adults who make medical decisions on behalf of the child. The child suffered convulsions and vomited because of meningitis, and it was necessary to make a quick decision that would improve the child’s health. Decision-making model
Decision-making models are frameworks that guide one when making decisions about medical treatment when faced with clinical ethical dilemma. One is faced with the challenge of making ethical decisions by taking into account the personal choice of the patients and their families and deciding the right course of action. Te health practitioner’s primary responsibility is to improve the health outcomes. While making decisions one has to choose the ethical theory that is mostly applicable to improve patient care and justifiable principalism. The Four Principles proposed by Beauchamp and Childress’ focus on respect for autonomy, beneficence, nonmaleficence and justice. Respect of patient autonomy is concerned with allowing patients to make informed decisions. Beneficence relates to acting in ways that benefit the patients by considering the risks and benefits, while the principle of nonmaleficence is related to avoiding harm to patients. Justice entails legal justice, respecting rights based justice and distributive justice.
Resolve the dilemma using the model
Under the different decision-making models, the issue of privacy and truthfulness is integrated in care (Campbell, 2005). In resolving the issue, there is a need to be focused on how the ethical dilemma affects the clinical decision-making. The ethical dilemma is divided into the two or more opposing viewpoints on how to handle a medical decisions, beliefs and values. This should be followed by the patient’s viewpoint, but in this case, since the child cannot give consent, it is the decision of the guardian and biological father that will be considered. Adopting the care plan to suit the case is necessary to improve patient care while addressing the patient’s concerns.
The nurse/ physician respect the patient’s choice while avoiding harming them through providing medical benefits (Schrems, 2014). However, simply respecting patient aut...
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