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Project Problem and Definition of Terms

Essay Instructions:

The Database Design Project consists of several assignments that are due in various topics throughout the course. For this project, students will design and develop a database that can be used to compile and report clinical data related to either quality measures or pharmaceutical products and utilization. The proposal is the initial step of this assignment.

Create a 500-750-word proposal outlining the following:

Statement of the project problem and definition of terms.

Identify your users (personnel/credentials): Who are they? What are their competencies?

Discuss the information data users need to compile for the proposed system and the types of reports the proposed system should be able to generate and why.

Based on your response to #3, articulate the project goals and objectives for the database design and how they affect the data model.

Identify the steps you will take to meet the goals and objectives.

Forecast any potential problems or barriers to meeting the project goals and objectives. Are there any specific assumptions that need to be made?

Conclude with the value of the project with emphasis on feasibility, necessity, usefulness, and the benefit of the expected results.

This is an ongoing project and the feedback from the instructor at every stage will help you in improving your final project. Be sure to consult with your instructor throughout the course and incorporate suggestions and recommendations in your project.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Please refer to the directions in the Student Success Center.

Please use simple term so I can be able to continue this project

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Database Design Project
Institutional Affiliation
Database Design Project
Project Problem and Definition of Terms
Virginia District Hospital is currently in conducting a research study on veterans to compare the effectiveness of pharmacology and therapeutic impact in management of chronic pain in adults. This is a double-blind research that requires strict supervision, maintenance, and monitoring of data. The management at the hospital has realized that the project will be a turning point in the treatment and caring of patients with chronic illnesses. Currently, the hospital has been receiving one hundred patients in a day with chronic pain. Traditional methods of capturing data have been used but they are ineffective and time-consuming. The number of patient s to the hospital has been increasing and it now stands at around one hundred and ten. There is a need for designing a database to help in handling and processing of data.
Key Terms
Database: Organized storage and management of data for easy access and retrieval (Cardon, 2016).
Data Management System: An electronic system that stores and handles electronic data. Users can access, enter data, or modify it, and retrieve it.
Database Users
There are two types of people that will be using this database. The first group is the staff at the hospitals. The table below shows their credentials and how they will be using the database.
Database User



Access patient information
Enter patient progress results
Enter notes on patient progress
Extract results for patients


Access patient profile
Access doctor results
Retrieve results online


Access doctors notes
Access patient profile
View doctor’s results
Add and remove patients from database
Record and compare the progress that the patient is making


Access the patient’s schedule
Print patient progress


Access doctor’s notes
Enter vital signs about the patient
Enter own notes

The second group of database users is administrators. Database administrators will be tasked with maintaining and updating the software. Since the database will be available for online access, there is a need for security features to be put in place. The table below shows the administrators and their roles in the management of the DBMS.
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