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Data Vulnerability
Essay Instructions:
During a committee meeting, Joe drops in to see how things are going for everyone. During the conversation, he mentions that one of his private companies was hit with a ransomware attack and they are trying to sort out what to do about it and why they were targeted. Even though Joe seems calm about it, there are some committee members that talk about how big of a deal it would be if their businesses were targeted. There seems to be quite a bit of confusion about what the attackers would have access to during a ransomware attack.
First, read the following:
State Data Breach Notification Statutes Map
8 Different Types of Malware
Ransomware Explained: How it Works and How to Remove it
Next, complete the discussion activity:
If a company you are associated with is hit with a ransomware attack, what data are you concerned about being compromised?
Be sure to consider all of the types of data you may have stored on your network that would be vulnerable. Do you have concerns about the security of your data backups?
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Data Vulnerability
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Data Vulnerability
Ransomware remains a significant threat even with a recent decline. Files, systems, or devices belonging to a victim are encrypted and locked by malware referred to as ransomware, rendering them inaccessible and unreachable unless the attacker is paid a ransom. When ransomware first surfaced, encryption was the primary tactic to deny victims access to their systems and files (Townsened, 2018). Communication logs, confidential company data, and personal identifying information are susceptible to ransomware attacks. Inadequate security can also make data backups vulnerable.
A ransomware attack has the potential to compromise a large amount of data. That encompasses personally identifiable information (PII), wh...
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