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Cultural Identity TD

Essay Instructions:
THIS IS A THREADED DISCUSSION WHERE I ANSWER THE QUESTION ABOUT THE VIDEO IN DETAIL AND THEN I RESPOND TO A STUDENT.... Before delving into your response to the TD question, I would like us to continue to get to know each other through an icebreaker. You will be seeing these icebreakers at the beginning of each module's TD. The icebreaker for this TD is as follows: I want you to fill-in-the-blank to the following statement. People would be surprised to know that ____________ (share something interesting/unique about yourself that people would be surprised to know). After answering the icebreaker question, please answer the following question in your TD response: To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may impact health education efforts? To what extent do you think cultural beliefs, values, and traditions may enhance health education efforts? Please answer both questions in your response and draw on specific examples from the Worlds Apart video clips that you watched in this module, which is the very first link. THE STUDENT THAT I AM RESPONDING TO IS GLORY GORHAM: People would be surprised to know that I came up in a physically and emotionally abused family. I feel the cultural values, beliefs, and traditions greatly impact health education in both a positive and a negative way. In a positive way the medical staff will have to learn and be educated on cross cultural perspectives of their diversed patients to offer the beet medicine practice or to give the patients a more understanding (educational prospective) on way it may work or not work. On the other side it could be a negative response for health education. What if you educated a patient on a procedure needed like ASAP and during the procedure something goes wrong, let's say the patient went in to respiratory arrest and now the patient is regretting the procedure due religious reasons!!! Like in Justice. Ase the mother really wasn't concern about the scar but her mother was due to religious healing belief of scars and healing. Required Reading ****MAIN VIDEO TO ANSWER QUESTION****Commonwealth Fund (2004). Worlds Apart: A Film Series on Cross-Cultural Health Care. Retrieved November 1, 2011 from http://www(dot)commonwealthfund(dot)org/Resources/2004/Feb/Worlds-Apart---A-Film-Series-on-Cross-Cultural-Health-Care.aspx Click here for the Video Clip - Case Study of Justine Click here for Video Clip - Case Study of Alicia US Department of Health & Human Services, Office of Minority Health (2005). National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services (CLAS). Retrieved November 1, 2011 from http://minorityhealth(dot)hhs(dot)gov/templates/browse.aspx?lvl=2&lvlID=15 Read the Case Assignment before accessing this Web site. There are certain parts you are to review. US Department of Health & Human Services [USDHHS], Maternal Child Health Bureau [MCHB] (2009). Core Concepts in Cultural Competence. Retrieved November 1, 2011 from http://support(dot)mchtraining(dot)net/national_ccce/case0/home.html Yick, A. & Oomen-Early, J. (2009). Using the PEN-3 model to plan culturally competent domestic violence intervention and prevention services in Chinese American and immigrant communities. Health Education, 109(2), 125-139. Retrieved November 1, 2011 from http://proquest(dot)umi(dot)com/pqdweb?did=1880574511&sid=7&Fmt=6&clientId=29440&RQT=309&VName=PQD Optional Reading Airhienbuwa, C. & Webster, J.D. (2004) Culture and African Contexts of HIV/AIDS Prevention, Care and Support. Journal of Social Aspects of HIV/AIDS Research Alliance. Full article retrieved November 1, 2011 from http://www(dot)ajol(dot)info/index.php/saharaj/article/viewFile/30064/22717 Summary retrieved November 1, 2011 from http://www(dot)comminit(dot)com/africa/node/268394
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Threaded discussion
People would be surprised to realize that I grew up in a traditional society where traditional herbalists were the only known medical practitioners.
These cultural beliefs impacted negatively on health education. For instance, most traditional beliefs do not recommend modern treatment and most children from those communities are discouraged from pursuing medical related courses. Accordingly, most cultures have their own explanations of diseases, including the cause and treatment of different types of diseases which may not be true, leading to loss of life. An example is African and Asian explanations on the causes of HIV/AIDS which they used to associate with curses (Airhienbuwa, & Webster, 2004). This aided its rampant spread, hence putting more pressure on health practitioners and facilities in later stages.
In response to Gloria’s comments, I strongly agree with her comments. This is because cultural and religious beliefs have created a misunderstanding between medical practitioners and patients; with some patients refusing take up medical treatment citing their cultural beliefs, for instance, in the video ‘worlds apart’, p...
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