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Cultural Domains in Different Families: Christian and Hindu

Essay Instructions:

Assessment Description

It is important to identify and understand your own family culture in order to be able to understand and respect other cultures. Interview a family member, and an individual from another culture with which you are unfamiliar. Some examples of an individual from another culture to consider for the assignment include a neighbor, coworker, patient, or friend. Please inform the individuals of the purpose of this assignment and make sure you receive their consent.


Review the "Family Interview " template prior to the interview. Additional space is designated on the template for you to create three additional questions to ask both interviewees (family member and person from another culture). Additional questions should be relevant to the readings or discussion and should provide value to the interview by helping to understand culture.

Some of the questions may include:

Family beliefs: Have they changed over generations?

Educational and occupational status in the culture and in the family

Communication methods: verbal and nonverbal

Current family goals/priorities

Family member roles and organizational systems

Spiritual beliefs: current practice and death and dying

Alternative lifestyles

Work attitudes and structure

Written Paper:

Using the "Family Interview " template, interview your designated family member and the person from another culture. Be sure to write your responses in a way that will assist you in writing your paper. After the interview is completed, write a paper of 750-1,000 words that includes the following:

An introductory paragraph with the reasons for selecting the interviewees

A summary of the responses from the interview template gathered from the interviewees

A comparison and contrast of your findings between the two interviewees

A reflective concluding paragraph on how family roles affect the cultural domains and relationships for each individual

General Requirements:

Submit both the completed "Family Interview" template and the written paper" to the instructor.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.


Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cultural Domains in Different Families
Student's Name
Cultural Domains in Different Families
Learning about different cultures is essential in creating a peaceful and tolerant society. I chose to interview my mother, who is a Christian, and our neighbor, who is a Hindu, because these two people are very different in their culture, religion, and ethnicity. I chose the Hindu neighbor because I wanted to know more about the Hindu culture and religion. After all, it is so foreign to me. I chose my mother because she is a Christian and knows a lot about Christianity and the history of our family values. She can give me a lot of information about our Family values, beliefs, and goals on her side and on my father's side that I can use to compare and contrast with my Hindu neighbor's family.
The interview helped me know a lot about my neighbor's culture. I learned a lot about the Hindu culture and religion from my Hindu neighbor. First, I realized that the Hindu religion is very diverse. There are many different sects of Hinduism, each with its own beliefs and practices. The Hindu culture has also had arranged marriages that have worked well in previous years, creating healthy relationships with little or no divorces happening (Bhattacharyya 2020). However, arranged marriages have reduced today. I also realized that my neighbor's family values education. They send their children of both genders to school and support them up to college. When it comes to work, richer Hindu families incorporate their children into the family business while the rest use their skills and education to find jobs. Traditional gender roles are adhered to in their culture. Decisions are ultimately made by the father, and the mother can only make suggestions. In Hindu culture, marriage is sacrosanct (Sharma 2013), so they do not support domestic partnership and single parenting. They also prefer marrying their race to preserve their culture and religion. Both parents in the family work and are well educated, but the father has a higher-paying job. Communication in the family is usually verbal. When it comes to death, the Hindu culture believes in reincarnation, whereby you resurrect as a different being depending on what you do in this life, and it goes on and on until you reach Nirvana (the highest consciousness).
On the other hand, I was also able to learn about my family from my mother. She told me that our family has always been Christian ever since she can remember. Our family values align with the teachings of the Bible. Communication has always been mostly verbal, and the goal of our family is to educate everyone up to the university level where they can find suitable partners to marry and start a family. Our family is led by the father, and the mother assists in what she can. There are different gender roles, which ...
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