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Cultivating Healthful Environments: Incivility In The Nursing

Essay Instructions:

Masters-prepared advanced practice nurses participate in and demonstrate fair and unbiased interactions within all workplace settings. As a member of the nursing profession and a leader, you are encouraged to implement strategies that promote and cultivate cultures of civility, regardless of practice setting. The purpose of this assessment is to analyze the issue of incivility and apply best practices to cultivate healthful environments.

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Cultivating Healthful Environments Name Institutions: Cultivating Healthful Environments Introduction Incivility in the nursing practice has received much attention in recent years. Incivility in a nursing workplace presents challenges to the involved individuals, patient safety and organizational crime. As a result, it is essential to understand the issue of incivility and its importance to nursing to explore how a healthful environment is achieved. Recognizing the concern of incivility in nursing practice requires a good story to build insight into the issue. The last step will feature strategies for creating a healthful environment; scholarly sources will be used to support the recommended procedures. This paper will analyze the issue of incivility in the nursing practice, explore the importance of incivility to nursing and discuss the application of strategies for creating a healthful environment. Issue of Incivility Incivility in the nursing practice includes any action that appears to be offensive, hostile, or intimidating and has the potential to interfere with learning and practice environment. Studies have revealed that incivility in the workplace can result in mental fatigue, which can further result in a loss of self-control, and employees are more likely to treat other team members negatively. Incivility is a challenging issue in the nursing practice because it affects emotional resources in the workplace (Smith, Morin & Lake, 2017). Any action of incivility has the potential to emotionally deplete the nurses or patients and trigger doubts in healthcare practices. The result of incivility is not only grim, but can result in shootings in the workplace, even in “white collar” situations. Incivility in the workplace may lead to low employee morale, rogue employees, mismatched team members, and workplace stress (Smith et al., 2017). It is essential for nurses to identify instances of incivility in the workplace and develop ways to tackle offensive, hostile, or intimidating behaviors. Importance to Nursing Incivility in the nursing practice does not only affect the organizational culture and workplace morale, but also impacts care outcomes and patient safety. Incivility can result in reduced workplace commitment among nurses; the effects are amplified when there is indirect incivility. In the vent that there is incivility among working nurses, patients can be disadvantaged due to patient safety risk and patient adverse events. Recent studies have revealed that hostility and disruptive behavior among nurses can have adverse effects on patient’s safety outcomes (Smith et al., 2017). As a result, there is a high likelihood of adverse patient outcomes due to the poorly performing quality healthcare delivery system. Nurses should be taught how to tolerate provocative critical thinking, inspire arguments, foster intellectual opinions, and challenge opinions in an intelligent manner (Black & Chitty, 2014). Promoting civility is not the same as censorship and nurses should be ready to adopt decorum in discourses. This way, nurses, patients, and healthcare organizations can benefit from the prominence of civility. Incivility in the Nursing Practice Scenario Incivility can take place during nursing training, especially for students who show little or no interest in learning. Case in point, a professor who has always been fond of students who show interest in nursing may come across a student who seems to be mainly disinterested in nursing. The student may demonstrate their heedlessness in nursing practices and result in answering the professor with demeaning responses. For instance, the professor may be greeted with reactions such as “that is not w...
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