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The Food Wellness Promotion

Essay Instructions:

(1)Several clinical benefits of probiotics were mentioned in the lecture regarding Dairy-based functional foods. Choose ONE of the benefits described and use the Ohio University Library resource databases to locate at least one scientific journal article that supports the use of probiotics for that health benefit. You MUST use in-text citations and cite your article in APA format for full credit.
(2)Describe the nutrition guidelines for Type 2 Diabetes (Non-insulin Dependent Diabetes) in your own words. You MUST include at least one additional, credible reference. Further, you MUST use in-text citations and cite your reference in APA format to receive full credit. https://www(dot)eatright(dot)org/health/diseases-and-conditions/diabetes/understanding-diabetes, https://www(dot)eatright(dot)org/health/diseases-and-conditions/diabetes/understanding-diabetes, http://www(dot)diabetes(dot)org/diabetes-basics/statistics/?loc=db-slabnav
(3)Describe the plant-based, 'What the Health' meal/ recipe that you prepared last week in themes mentioned in the What the Health film. Analyze your meal for its health benefits based on information that you have learned thus far in this course. Also comment on whether this film will impact your food choices, discuss why you will or will not change your eating habits. Watch 'What the Health' (2017), Kip Anderson available on Netflix and and at http://www(dot)whatthehealthfilm(dot)com/.
(4)The documentary "What the Health" strongly pushed a plant-based diet to treat quite a few different lifestyle diseases. Do you agree or disagree that a drastic change in diet could change lifestyle diseases in the US? Please use sources that back up your opinions.
Answer:I absolutely agree that a drastic change in American diet and nutrition would significantly decrease lifestyle diseases and increase health in general. The top two killers in the United States are heart disease and cancer according to the CDC. Although many people believe that they will get these diseases genetically, which s partially true, it is their lifestyles that increases their chances of getting them. It is discussed in the film that eating processed foods such as bacon and sausage increases your risk of getting cancer. A fact that I found very interesting that I believe not many people know about is that people are not getting diabetes by eating a high carbohydrate diet or sugar. It is actually diets that include large consumptions of meat. I would strongly recommend a vegan diet to prevent the lifestyle diseases that plague America. I found it very interesting that meat is not required in our diet to consume protein. All proteins come from plants and the only other vitamin you would need to supplement for is vitamin B12. If Americans were able to make the shift over to a plant-based diet and stay away from the fast foods and processed meats then I believe there would be a major decrease in lifestyle diseases.
This is an example of someone wrote it, please write me a new discussion, and try to answer this discussion answer use several words.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Food Wellness Promotion
Your name
Your Institution of Affiliation
March 29, 2018
1 One of the main benefits of probiotics in our health is the potential reduction of the possibility to develop colon cancer. In the article written by Ambalam, et al. (2016), the authors discussed on the possibility of helping the “cross-talk” (cross functioning) between the body’s immune system and the intestine’s microbiota through the use of prebiotics and probiotics. All in all, it shows that an increase in the regular consumption of these products also increases the ability to reduce possibilities of CRC (Colorectal Cancer).
2 Since type-2 diabetes is not insulin-based, controlling it would need to consider a complex variety of factors. Nonetheless, some of the most important factors that have to be considered when choosing the right foods are glycemic levels and lipid levels (Wolfram, 2016). On one hand, it is found out that a lot of people who has Type-II diabetes are overweight and/or obese. Thus, sugar-sweetened beverages and fatty foods must be avoided as much as possible. Sodium consumption must also be controlled. On the other hand, sources of complex carbohydrates would be much preferable such as Brown rice and whole wheat (Oberg, n.d.).
3 The documentary “What the Health” advocates for healthier food choices, coupled with a healthy lifestyle to be able to solve some of the most persistent health issues that our society are facing today, such as artery heart diseases that could be solved with plant-based diets. Nonetheless, after watching the film, I’ve dedicated some time in preparing a meal that could help me reduce my chances of getting diabetes, as our family has a history of having the disease. The meal that I’ve prepared included a lot of whole grains and nuts, which contains phytonutrients and carbohydrates to help me get a consistent source of energy. I’ve also added yogurts as dessert to provide me with a source of both protein and probiotics that could help in the retention of the body’s sugar levels as well as other heal...
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