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Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives

Essay Instructions:

SLP Assignment: Required Readings: DeVore, S., & Champion, R.. (2011). Driving Population Health Through Accountable Care Organizations. Health Affairs, 30(1), 41-50. Jain, S., Seidman, J., & Blumenthal, D.. (2010). How Health Plans, Health Systems, And Others In The Private Sector Can Stimulate 'Meaningful Use'. Health Affairs, 29(9), 1667-70. Kaufman, N. S. (2011). Three "brutal facts" that provide strategic direction for healthcare delivery systems: Preparing for the end of the healthcare bubble. Journal of Healthcare Management, 56(3), 163-8. Kuhn, H.. (2010). New Reimbursement Models Challenge Providers and Create Opportunities. Frontiers of Health Services Management, 27(1), 39-44. Mello, M., Chandra, A., Gawande, A., & Studdert, D.. (2010). National Costs Of The Medical Liability System. Health Affairs, 29(9), 1569-77. Orszag, P., & Emanuel, E.. (2010). Health Care Reform and Cost Control. The New England Journal of Medicine, 363(7), 601-3. Schoen, C., Osborn, R., Squires, D., Doty, M., Pierson, R., & Applebaum, S.. (2010). How Health Insurance Design Affects Access To Care And Costs, By Income, In Eleven Countries. Health Affairs, 29(12), 2323-2334. The overall goal of the Session Long Project is to examine health care delivery in the United States from a strategic perspective. Assignment for SLP Module 1: President Obama signed a new bill that changed the landscape of the health care industry. This new law has resulted in uncertainty for patients and health care organizations. In his article, "Three Brutal Facts That Provide Strategic Direction for Healthcare Delivery Systems: Preparing for the End of the Healthcare Bubble," Nathan Kaufman discusses that the health care industry is heading for a fall and that organizations need to prepare now by focusing their strategies on new market realities. This will be the focus of this assignment. Please read the article by Kaufman and then respond to the following questions. 1.Why does he believe the health care bubble is going to burst? Do you agree or disagree with his views? 2.Discuss what he means by "Physician autonomy and the organized medical staff will become less relevant." Do you believe this will improve patient care? 3.Discuss what a prepared organization is to Kaufman. Do you believe this is what it will take to effectively deal with the health care bubble? What are some suggestions that you have based upon this article and your own research?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Cross-Cultural Health Perspectives
Kauffman (2011) projects a burst in the healthcare bubble that has been brought about by the passing of the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (PPACA) due to the increased spending in healthcare that will follow the implementation of the Act. Due to the increased budget, the government will be forced to acquire credit for funding healthcare (Kaufman, 2011). This will push interest rate up in a similar manner during the housing bubble that caused the financial crisis. Since the states budgets are unable to absorb the costs of the PPACA, they will be forced to draw funding by cutting costs in other crucial areas of the economy, raises taxes, or borrow money placing them further into debt. These combined with the extreme trust placed on the Act by its proponents and supporters just like in the housing crisis will eventually lead to the burst of the health bubble due to the strain in the economy (Kaufman, 2011).
This, however, is not true the PPACA was introduced to bring reforms in the healthcare system including spending. The implementers of the Act were present during the financial crisis and, therefore, had knowledge of its causes and could not be blind and implement an act that would lead to an almost similar effect. As a matter of fact, the PPACA will not only reduce healthcare costs, but also reduce the percentage of health expenditures in the GDP. In, addition, it will reduce the federal budget deficit (over $100 billion in 10 years and $1 trillion in the following ten years) therefore there will be no pressure on the budget as suggested by Kauffman (Orszag & Emanuel, 2010).
Question 2
Physician autonomy implies that physicians should possess complete freedom to provide treatment for patients according to their best judgment. This also includes determine the content of work and how they provide care for patients. Therefore, physician autonomy is the freedom of determining conditions of practice and delivery of care that I patient centered (Emanuel & Pearson, 2012). Therefore, by suggesting that physician autonomy will reduce Kauffman implies that physicians will be l...
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