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Cross-cultural Health Perspectives and Health Care Frontline Workers

Essay Instructions:


Assignment Overview

The COVID-19 pandemic caused many lessons to be learned and highlighted areas that were possibly previously underemphasized. Frontline healthcare workers have been an integral part of saving lives during this pandemic. Healthcare workers have engaged in unprecedented life-saving measures and employed emergency strategies in the absence of adequate preparedness, forcing bedside workers to make difficult decisions. This assignment will entail developing/describing retrospective planning strategies and standards that will reduce risks, better prepare frontline workers, and abate mortality.

Case Assignment

Read the following reports:

Connors, M. (2020) Federal staffing standards for nursing homes leaves Soldiers’ Home on shaky ground. Daily Hampshire Gazette. Retrieved from https://www(dot)gazettenet(dot)com/Soldiers-Home-study-shines-light-on-inadequate-nursing-home-staffing-standards-34401465

Wasser, M. (2020). Officials investigating multiple COVID-19 deaths at Massachusetts Soldiers’ Home. NPR. Retrieved from https://www(dot)npr(dot)org/sections/coronavirus-live-updates/2020/05/06/851308800/officials-investigating-multiple-covid-19-deaths-at-massachusetts-soldiers-home

According to one of the reports, staff say they asked about infections control plans early on, but management withheld personal protective equipment. Given the patient population at the Soldiers’ Home, some question whether allowing the Veterans Administration (VA) to take over the facility would be of greater assistance to improve outcomes.

For this assignment, in 3-4 pages, complete the following:

Identify the importance of frontline healthcare workers (HCWs) and why they are essential in today’s healthcare landscape.

Examine if the Soldiers’ Home leadership failed to protect the staff. What could have been done differently?

Discuss how frontline HCW’s engagement would assist in developing, implementing, and evaluating interventions to improve patient and worker outcomes.

Conduct additional research and identify whether allowing the VA to take over the Soldiers’ Home would have been beneficial or not. Support your rationale with scholar resources.

Assignment Expectations

Conduct additional research to gather sufficient information to justify/support your strategic plan.

Limit your response to a maximum of 4 pages (title and reference pages are not included in page number count).

Support your report with peer-reviewed articles, using at least 3-4 references. Use the following link for additional information on how to recognize peer-reviewed journals: http://www(dot)angelo(dot)edu/services/library/handouts/peerrev.php.

You may use the following source to assist in formatting your assignment: https://owl(dot)english(dot)purdue(dot)edu/owl/resource/560/01/.

For additional information on reliability of sources, review the following source: https://nccih(dot)nih(dot)gov/health/webresources.

This assignment will be graded based on the content in the rubric.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Cross-cultural Health Perspectives and Health Care Frontline Workers
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The importance of frontline health workers and why they are essential
Frontline health care workers serve a substantial role in providing some of the necessary health care services, especially at the community level. So far, they have turned out to be effective and are now being considered a desirable option by most countries to achieve Universal Health Coverage (UHC). The front-of-the-line healthcare workers are usually the first, if not the only, point of contact for most healthcare system patients. These individuals can assist in expanding preventive and curative services to the population of patients that remain underserved. According to a recent systematic review, this cadre of health workers provides the care that is effective almost close to that offered by doctors. Their roles include the treatment of common infections and immunizations in the communities. Frontline healthcare workers also stand as the primary source of information in the communities and have contributed to the prevention, detection, and response to the leading diseases ("Frontline Health Workers," 2021). They sincerely cannot replace the doctors all the same. Still, they complement these doctors and, as a result, make the care awarded to the people both effective and affordable ("WHO | What role do health workers at the frontline of service provision play towards universal health coverage?", 2021).
The COVID-19 pandemic hit the soldiers' Home in Holyoke, and this was attributed partly to the neglect demonstrated by the home's leadership. Some members of staff and the families of the patients had submitted complaints about inadequate staffing and lack of protocols to prevent falls by veterans at home, with the workers' union describing the facility as “chronically understaffed” ("Report: Federal staffing standards for nursing homes leaves Soldiers' Home on shaky ground," 2021). However, the administration failed to heed these pleas and instead allowed patients showing symptoms of the virus to share facilities with other patients. The leadership represents the final authority in this facility. Their neglect and poor decisions resulted in the devastating loss of several veterans' lives and the infection of over a hundred others, including health workers. Therefore, the soldiers' home's leadership should be at fault for not heeding the calls for change and failing to come up with regulations and measures that would have prevented the spread of the virus.
The staff would have prevented deaths and infections in the Soldiers' Home if only a few actions were taken. Disease prevention is defined as specific interventions for early prevention and minimizing the effects a disease will have in case of an outbreak. The frontline health care workers would have spread information on the virus, COVID-19, and this would have sensitized the veterans to practice preventive behavior toward the prevention them from contracting the virus. Aside from information, the health workers with the aid of the administration could have followed the guidelines put in place for the prevention or containment of this disease. Provision of equipment such as surgical masks would have greatly hindered the spread of the virus. Secondary prevention involves early detection and improves the chances of anticipated results. Activities such as screening and continuous testing, as part of the secondary prevention would have allowed for early detection of the initial cases of the disease. Measures such as isolation would then have been put in place to prevent further spread. The leadership of the Soldier's Home should have ensured the provision of medical equipment to its staff and this would have further boosted the workers' confidence in handling the issue. Because such measures were not taken, most veterans and wo...
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