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The Critical Thinking Skills in the Psychopathology of Mental Health Patients

Essay Instructions:


Analyze and apply critical thinking skills in the psychopathology of mental health patients and provide treatment and health promotion while applying evidence-based research.


Vee is a 26-year-old African-American woman who presents with a history of non-suicidal self-injury, specifically cutting her arms and legs, since she was a teenager. She has made two suicide attempts by overdosing on prescribed medications, one as a teenager and one six months ago; she also reports chronic suicidal ideation, explaining that it gives her relief to think about suicide as a “way out.”

When she is stressed, Vee says that she often “zones out,” even in the middle of conversations or while at work. She states, “I don’t know who Vee really is,” and describes a longstanding pattern of changing her hobbies, style of clothing, and sometimes even her job based on who is in her social group. At times, she thinks that her partner is “the best thing that’s ever happened to me” and will impulsively buy him lavish gifts, send caring text messages, and the like; however, at other times she admits to thinking “I can’t stand him,” and will ignore or lash out at him, including yelling or throwing things. Immediately after doing so, she reports feeling regret and panic at the thought of him leaving her. Vee reports that, before she began dating her current partner, she sometimes engaged in sexual activity with multiple people per week, often with partners whom she did not know.


Remember to answer these questions from your textbooks and NP guidelines. At all times, explain your answers.

1.Describe the presenting problems.

2.Generate a primary and differential diagnosis using the DSM5 and ICD 10 codes.

3.Discuss which cluster this diagnosis belongs to.

4.Formulate and prioritize a treatment plan.

Submission Instructions:

Your initial post should be formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

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Describe The Presenting Problems
The most pressing problem in Vee’s case is the persistent and chronic suicidal ideation that began in her teenage years. This is characterized by overdosing using prescription drugs. Moreover, Vee also has a history of non-suicidal self-harm. Both are secondary to chronic feelings of emptiness. Other contributory symptoms important in diagnosing the disorder are the following: 1) Poor concentration is manifested by periods of zoning out when stressed.; 2) The patient shows different behaviors and varying views at consecutive points in time.
An example of this is when the patient likes then dislikes her boyfriend. Specifically, she is caring and thoughtful at one point, then bashes her boyfriend on other issues, stating that she could not stand his attitude.; 3) Periods of aggressive behavior. This is manifested by lashing out and yelling at her loved one.; 4) Risky sexual behavior was evident when she engaged in many sexual partners, many of whom she did not personally know before she began her relationship with her boyfriend.; 5) Long-standing abrupt changes in hobbies and philosophies. It was evident that Vee usually changes her taste in fashion, hobbies, and work based on her “feels.”
Generate A Primary And Differential Diagnosis Using The DSM5 And ICD 10 Codes
The primary diagnosis is a borderline personality disorder with an ICD-10 code of F60.3 (ICD-10, 2021; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). This disorder is marked by significant instability in many aspects, including self-perception, interpersonal relationships, and impulsivity. It typically starts during early adulthood, but it may begin as early as the teenage years and persist until late adulthood. According to the American Psychiatric Association (2013), its criteria are as follows: 1) Desperate actions to evade abandonment, excluding the use of suicidal or physical injury attempts. In our patient, this criterium was not fulfilled due to the presence of physical harm and suicidal behavior.; 2) Personality arrangement that includes broken interpersonal relationships characterized by alternating valuation and devaluation. This was evident with her behavior toward her boyfriend when she shows thoughtfulness and aggressiveness alternately.
; 3) Disturbances in self-perception. This was shown as her ability to change her fashion style, hobbies, and work constantly.; 4) Impulsivity. Vee usually buys expensive gifts for her boyfriend impulsively.; 5) Recurrent suicidal or self-mutilating behaviors. This was the patient’s primary complaint as she usually does this to have a way out from her chronic feelings of emptiness.; 6) Unstable affect secondary to significant mood reactivity.; 7) Long-standing feeling of desolation; 8) Misplaced extremes of anger. This was manifested by lashing out at her boyfriend at times.; and 9) Temporary paranoia secondary to stress or persistent symptoms of dissociation. This was displayed as she zones out when subjected to stress.
The differential diagnosis is bipolar I disorder. Specifically, the patient presents with a current episode of mild to moderate depression. This has an ICD-10 code of F31.3 (WHO, 2016; American Psychiatric Association, 2013). The symptoms present in the patient are manic episodes, including distractibility, secondary to poo...
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