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Examples of Major Childhood Global Diseases

Essay Instructions:

Compare and contrast the major childhood global diseases such as pneumonia, diarrheal disease, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles.

Analyze examples of cultural influences and reproductive health for men and women and create two solutions to issues surrounding those examples.

Explain the influences of culture and geographic location on aging in two different counties of the world and correlate legal and ethical issues related to their aging.

Scholarly sources (2015-2021) at least four sources. Please address each questions. Thank you!

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Major Childhood Global Diseases
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July 6, 2021
Children of today's age are the ones who could lead our future. Yet, children all over the world have a significant problem in catching these diseases, pneumonia, diarrheal disease, HIV/AIDS, malaria, and measles, which have become the leading cause of mortality among children worldwide. According to the World Health Organization (2020), pneumonia, diarrhea, and malaria killed 5.2 million children under the age of five, most of whom died from curable and avoidable diseases. These illnesses can be readily avoided if children have access to basic needs like clean water, nutritious diets, Immunization, health education, and regular health screenings (Kobayashi et al., 2017).
All of these illnesses have one thing in common: they are all fatal. They differ in which parts of the body they infiltrate; pneumonia, for example, primarily affects a human's respiratory system, HIV/AIDS affects a person's immune system, and diarrhea disrupts a person's natural intestinal function, causing infection and inflammation. These diseases may quickly spread in regions where basic requirements like water and food are lacking. Some, like HIV, transmit through sexual contact, while others, like pneumonia, spread through the air.
Cultural influences or social norms are how the society that a person lives in influences his or her judgment. Furthermore, some of these influences can affect a person's health, mainly on reproductive health for both genders. For example, circumcision of males to avoid infection is one of the most prevalent procedures across the world; yet, some countries do not consider it a requirement that has to be changed for safer sexual intercourse; not only does it keep the intercourse infection-free, but it also keeps the men's genitals clean. Moreover, according to CITATION Han20 \l 1033 (Douglawi & Masterson, 2017), it can also protect the male from developing penile cancer and reduce the danger of female sex partners developing cervical cancer. Furthermore, communities may be at significant danger of getting sexually transmitted diseases (STIs), including HIV, due to foreign cultural norms.
To address the issue m...
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