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Critical reflection - help seeking behaviour (1400words)

Essay Instructions:
A critical aspect of your professional development as a nurse and midwife is your ability to seek assistance, guidance, and support. Not only is this needed for positive patient outcomes, but it is also vital for your well-being. It is, however, not always an easy thing to do. The purpose of this assessment is to develop your understanding and ability to seek help in the professional setting by completing a guided critical reflection. The purpose of this assessment is to develop you understanding and ability to seek help in the professional setting by completing a guided critical reflection. Mezirow’s Transformative Learning Theory offers an approach to critical reflection that will help you develop the ability to reflect on any situation or interaction critically, consider your assumptions and perspectives, and perhaps even experience a shift in perspective due to the reflection. The focus of this critical reflection is help-seeking behaviours. 1 Experience - Have you had a similar experience to the graduate in the case study? - Briefly explain the situation or interaction. 2 Critical Reflection - What are your beliefs about seeking help? - Where do you think you developed these ideas/assumptions? - Is there a particular type of help seeking behaviour you are comfortable with versus one you have not practiced? 3 Rational Discourse - Reflect on your discussion with colleagues in the tutorial. Has hearing others thoughts around help seeking behaviour challenged your own ideas? 4 Transformative Insights - Through this discussion and through the review of the relevant literature (minimum 3 research journals)have you experienced a shift in your perspective 5 New understanding - Having progressed through the critical reflective process to this point have you developed a new understanding of help seeking behaviour. Link this to findings in the literature 6 Plan of Action - Having developed this new understanding around help seeking behaviours and reflecting on your initial experience/interaction, how can you make changes to your approach to seeking help? - Is there a particular type you will need to focus more energy on? - As you lead others what tools would you develop in them to develop their help seeking behaviours? 7 Acquisition of Knowledge and skills - Briefly discuss three aspects of learning that you will seek to develop your ability to seek help or grow others help seeking ability. - Use the literature to justify why these skills/knowledge are a priority 8 Trying new roles Having completed the reflection to this point, complete your written paper by discussing the importance of these changes on yourself and patient care. Link this to what is revealed in the literature. 9 Building competence 10 Reintegration Format and Structure Outline of key formatting or structure requirements for this assessment. • Your critical reflection needs a cover page and content page. • Include in-text references and an end-text referencing list using APA 7 • Font: needs to be black and Times New Roman size 12, Arial size 11 or Calibri size 11. • Line spacing: Double (2.0), including the end-text reference list. • Margins: 2.54 cm top, bottom, left and right. • Line justification: Text should be aligned left (not justified) with a first-line indent for each new paragraph. • Page numbers: Top right-hand corner starting on the title page of the assignment • No headers or footers • SNM Program Requirements and Assignment Presentation Guide 2022. • SNM Assignment Template APA7 2024
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Title Your Name Subject and section Professor’s Name Date Introduction The process of asking for help is one of the essential components for self-growth and rising to the challenge. Through an introspective essay, I focus on my preferences for seeking help and the reasons, timing, and methods concerned with the process. This helped in self-management and finding the best way to seek help with the help of this experience. Critical Reflection Although I have never shied away from directly seeking guidance, such as through inquiries or soliciting advice, I have kept an emotional distance from seeking emotional support. This was probably secondary to my lack of self-esteem and inferiority complex and the reluctance to show my soft side. However, there was a particular occasion when I was searching for guidance from someone significantly older than me, hoping to shed some light on my situation. This help-seeking experience turned out to be completely unexpected. Instead of helping me, this person only focused on how he was more formidable and more self-confident than I am. Moreover, he pinpointed my weaknesses and needed to provide sufficient and acceptable pieces of advice. While this communication feeling made me feel unheard, it also allowed many people to shun help-seeking behavior in the future. This situation emphasized the need to find empathetic and supportive people from whom one may want help, as people with such dismissive attitudes can repel someone from seeking help in the first place. Rational Discourse Before engaging in the tutorial discussion, I had a belief, like one of my colleagues, that taking on a problem hints at a person's inability to cope or the early signs of an individual's mental deterioration. Most of the time, this belief compelled me to refrain from asking for help, especially from professionals to whom I was reluctant to show weakness because I have always wanted to flaunt my independence and self-confidence. Nonetheless, during the open discussion with my colleagues, one of them disclosed his experiences of expanding his knowledge and skills with the help of a specialist. He said he had an issue with asking for help on a problematic project before. However, he knew that the quality of work would only be affected if he had done it with the help of someone with better experience or expertise. Nevertheless, he still talked to his other colleagues and asked for insights. As a result, his project was of a high quality and was even recognized as one of the best. Hearing this perspective made me realize that, perhaps, I had some misconceptions, and this changed how I thought about such situations. My colleague's experience made me realize that seeking help does not necessarily mean weakness. Knowing when to ask for help is a sign of strength. Consequently, I became more open to reaching out for assistance whenever needed and took this as a pledge for my professional development. Transformative Insights One of the pieces of evidence that made me understand the reasons why individuals with mental health problems are hesitant to seek help is that this attitude may be the result of anticipated stigmatization towards asking for mental health help, and this has also been found to be the most significant barrier for people like me. Research has demonstrated that people being embarrassed about looking for mental health services is one of the biggest obstacles to help-seeking behavior, which is primarily associated with the young (Doll et al., 2021). This study allowed me to realize that the stigma could be one part of the journey only to myself and that my close people could be educated about these matters. When my friends and relatives perceive these issues, I may be honest with them and seek support. Next, I was in doubt about asking for a hand because I took for granted that there are for-profit and non-profit organizations that aid such as case evaluation as prescribed by a medical practitioner. For example, the “PLACES” model was modified and employed to determine...
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