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Creating and Leading Effective Team

Essay Instructions:

Review the Harvard Business School reprint, Leading Teams. Consider the criteria for successful teams and the factors needed to ensure teams are structured for success. Create a plan (750-1,000 words) describing the steps necessary to create more successful teams at various levels within healthcare organization. Include the following in the plan: Define the characteristics and structure of successful teams within healthcare organization. How are independent teams vital to the success of the organization? 1. What are important factors to consider when leading teams within the various levels of the organization? 2. What factors are important to consider when leading teams at the executive level? 3. What aspects are essential in identifying appropriate members for teams and ensuring the teams are successfully launched? 4. What factors are important to ongoing team dynamics? Describe guidelines to evaluate the function and productivity of teams. 5. Compassion is a significant attribute of many religions and philosophies, including a Christian worldview, as well as being important for both authentic and servant leadership. As a leader, how would you empower your teams through compassion to honor diversity and support equality for all members as they work toward a common goal? Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.Include reference page.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
Creating and Leading Effective Team
Organizations are comprised of individuals who are brought together to enable the achievement of its mission. The organizations structure highly determines the roles of each and every individual and the manner in which they work together in teams and how these employees relate to one another. For an organization to achieve its success, it is rational that the employees within the organization work together towards the achievement of their goals.
Leaders therefore play a significant role in coordinating and integrating different activities of employees in individuals, a factor that ensures they are aware of the priorities of an organization. Leaders can therefore achieve this goal not only through by exercising their authority within an organization's hierarchy, but through the inclusion of knowledge and charismatic leadership approaches that motivate and inspire employees.
Leading Teams in Various Levels of an Organization
In order to lead teams effectively across various levels in an organization, leaders need to take into consideration some factors. Firstly, it is essential that trust is bestowed among the team members (Matthews, & McLees, 2015). The building of trust is considered as essential since it enables team members to open up and expose their strengths and weaknesses, an aspect that enables them to support each other. Unless the element of trust is initiated within an organization, teams are bound to limit their levels of achieving success in their functions.
On the other hand, it is significantly imperative for leaders to focus on the achievement of a collective result. This requires the initiation of an organization's vision and mission to enhance the performance of the teams. An organization's mission and vision need to be acceptable to all the members of the teams, an aspect that initiates a collective responsibility of the teams. An enhanced communication approach is also vital within an organization, an aspect that enables the organization to open up in focusing on the goals of the organization (Matthews, & McLees, 2015). Team members also need to be accountable to each other to ensure that the progress of each member is in check and the obstacles that hinder the performance of team members are overcome. This aspect therefore increases the progress of each team member.
Leading Teams from an Executive Level
Leading teams from executive levels requires team members to set values that would be instrumental in establishing the standards of performance and acceptable approaches that define the behaviors of the team members consistently (DuBois, Koch, Hanlon, Nyatuga, & Kerr, 2015). On the other hand, it is significant for leaders to clarify their organization's objectives, and communicating these objectives to the organization and the team, an aspect that helps the team members to understand the expectations of the organization in meeting the goals of a team.
Alternatively, executive leaders also need to establish a model that aids in the management of relationships and initiates a climate that conducts the manner in which the missions of an organization are achieved. Executive leaders therefore need to set trends that defi...
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