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The Implications of Misuse of Technology By Criminals or Those with Ulterior Motives

Essay Instructions:

The world of biotechnology is changing so quickly we can hardly keep track. As the tools become much cheaper and easier to use, it has gone from exotic lab science to home projects. There is so much good that can come from wide, cheap and easy access to these tools to benefit humanity. There are also predictions of horrible unforeseen consequences or even intentional malevolent use by terrorists and criminals. The work you do in this discussion will assist you in mastering the course/module outcome #3
Steps in constructing your initial post for this discussion:
Read this web site information:
How genetic engineering can fight disease, reduce insecticide use and enhance food security: Pamela Ronald
Ellen Jorgensen, Biohacking - you can do it too [Video, 10:08 mins]
Gabe Barcia-Colombo: My DNA vending machine [Video, 4:56 mins]
Use the information you have gathered from reading and viewing the videos as well as your own research to fully address the following question:
How can the scientists who understand the risks and possibilities control the expansion of these genetic engineering techniques and tools from being misused? Is using DNA sampling for art a valid and safe procedure?

Essay Sample Content Preview:
Genetic engineering risks and possibilities
Genetic engineering risks and possibilities
The opportunities emanating from the ever expanding knowledge and application of genetic engineering poses have proven beneficial in major fields including the development of disease resistant crops hence increasing the productivity and sustainability of agriculture. On the other hand, the increase in the number of people who have access to this technology and associated tools has made some people fear the implications of misuse of technology by criminals or those with ulterior motives. Nevertheless, scientists who understand the risks and possibilities of genetic engineering can play a great role in ensuring that these tools do not get misused by playing a leading role in the application and skill sharing through the formation of vigilance networks. An example of such network is the Greenspace which was formed through DIY bio lab in Brooklyn through the help of Molecular biologist Ellen Jorgensen and a team of friends (ted.com, 2012). Such networks headed by able scientists may offer education on the greater population and other bio technology enthusiasts on how they can positively utilize the knowledge and tools at their disposal through open labs to better their lives, discover the environment and make positive contribution to the greater society.
The greatest concern emanates from the possibility of people maliciously bioengineering other people's genes and placing it at crime scenes in order to implicate them to a certain crime. For such to happen, one would first need to have access of another person's gene structure which may be possible due to the widened scope provided by this technology. Such would be made possible through the opportunities provided by what able Colombo in his presentation calls it "my DNA vending machine" (ted.com, 2013). Nevertheless, this can be checked if scientists who gets access to the DNA of other people carries out due diligence and ensures that there is no leakage of material under their possession by unauthorized persons. Additionally, accordi...
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