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1 pages/≈275 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 4.32

Corona virus vaccine: Health, Medicine, Nursing Essay

Essay Instructions:

Your outline should show how the final paper will flow, start to finish. It will include the following:

the Introduction and what you now think your thesis will be (note: your research question will be here now);

the two sections already drafted (i.e. the summary and literature review), including any revisions in organization within sections and transitions between sections;

what you will say in your Discussion and Analysis section;

and the points you will make in your Conclusion.

Note: This should only be an outline. I should not see fully written paragraphs of any section

These are the files i have done it so far for my class

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Project Outline
Student’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Project Outline
* The search for the coronavirus vaccine remains a vital to the world.
* The World Health Organization (WHO) has filed multiple reports to indicate the motivation to find a vaccine for the virus.
* The WHO is working with various stakeholders, including the business community, global health organizations, and scientists, thought a program called ACT Accelerator, with a viewing of coming up with effective coronavirus vaccines.
* The primary question to this prospect in on how far the world is positioned from finding a vaccine to coronavirus.
* The vaccine attracts criticism in almost equal measure and thus leading one to wonder, does Sputnik V offer the much-awaited and needed breakthrough in the fight against Coronavirus and the dreaded COVID-19 disease?
Literature Review
* Multiple studies and organizations have emerged to explore the search for coronavirus vaccine.
* The debate is anchor on whether any progress has been made in the search.
* Russia’s Sputnik V vaccine was among the closest attempts reported by WHO.
* Literature explores the viability of the reported vaccines.
* According to WHO, there are over 169 COVID-19 vaccines that are under development. Out of these, 26 va...
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