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2 pages/≈550 words
Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
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The Self-Care Nursing Theory

Essay Instructions:

Discuss the difference between a nursing conceptual model and a nursing theory.

Select a nursing theory and provide a concise summary of it. Provide an example in nursing practice where the nursing theory you selected would be effective in managing patient care.

Attempt Start Date: 02-Nov-2020 at 12:00:00 AM

Due Date: 06-Nov-2020 at 11:59:59 PM

Maximum Points: 8.0

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Nursing Theory
Institutional Affiliation
Nursing Theory
Nursing conceptual models draw the relationships between concepts by determining existing theoretical associations. Nursing conceptual models help clinicians to conduct organized and coherent clinical investigations. A specific theory lays the foundation of a clinical study and so a conceptual model offers a guide to create a suitable research design and methods. In this way interventions and hypotheses can be effectively tested. Nursing conceptual models aid in interpreting and explaining the findings of various clinical studies. In contrast, nursing theory is composed of a set of concepts that help in executing a specific clinical practice. Nursing theories include propositions and assumptions which help describe the interrelationship between various concepts. The theories offer nurses a solid base to create systematic inquiries that expand clinical research and practice. The guided process enhances knowledge within the nursing profession (Tesh, 2019). So, nursing theory offers the framework for developing various nursing conceptual models that help in interpreting findings from clinical studies.
The Self-Care Nursing Theory
The theory was developed by renowned nursing theorist Dorothea Orem who had the goal of improving the lives and wellbeing of people through enhancing self-care. She promoted the practice of holistic nursing that ensures nurses focus on all aspects of patient care. This theory is based on the following assumptions. First, self-care is effective when individuals are aware of health conditions. Second, self-reliance is essential and every individual should offer care to incapable loved ones. Third, nursing should be viewed as an active process that involves close interaction between individuals to promote quality patient care.
The self-care theory is divided into three areas that are the theory of self-care; theory of self-care deficit...
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