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Consultative Change Proposal - Bathing to reduce incidence of pressure ulcers

Essay Instructions:
Competency 7004.01.1: Nursing and Interprofessional Standards - The nurse applies the bachelor level of nursing and interprofessional standards to an organizational change or innovation to improve quality care outcomes. Competency 7004.01.2: Evaluating and Documenting Innovations - The bachelors prepared nurse evaluates an organizational change or innovation as measured against the master's level nursing and interprofessional standards. ________________________________________ Scenario: You are a nursing consultant who has been assigned to analyze a healthcare organization in order to identify a change or improvement needed by the organization. In your analysis, you will use external measures such as HCAHPS scores, patient metrics, community needs, and comparisons to other facilities in area. After your analysis, you will write a consultative change recommendation to present to the executive board of the organization. ****Please use Mayo Clinic as the site for this paper**** General background information for the paper---An increase for two quarters in a row was noted when our pressure ulcer survey was done. A chart audit of documentation completed by staff revealed that documented bathing on patients was 48-50% in any given 24 hour period. Leadership is requesting a change by staff (RN's and Patient Care Attendants - PCA's) in order to reduce our pressure ulcer statistics and get below the benchmark as we were prior to the spike in our pressure ulcers. Mayo Clinic provides care for patient population 18 and older, all encompassing services with the exception of pediatrics, labor and delivery, inpatient psych. Consultative Change Proposal Outline Your paper should be written according to APA style guidelines and structured as follows: I. Introduction a. Purpose of consultation b. Overview of the consultation process II. Organizational Analysis a. Description of organization Include as much of the following information as is available to you: - Type and location of organization - Number of employees and patient encounters (approximate) - Departmental map, organizational chart, or leadership structure - Service area (e.g., size, age, demographics) - Services provided - Service area (e.g., size, age, demographics) - Services provided b. Primary needs of population served by this organization Consider: What are the primary health risks impacting the community (e.g., smoking, drug addiction, communicable disease, homelessness, poverty)? III. Nurse Leader Interview Summary a. Nurse leader role Consider: How does role align with role defined in The Essentials of Master's Education in Nursing? Also consider the domains of influence or actual authority the nurse leader has in the organization. b. Characteristics of organization - Strengths - Weaknesses - Evidence-based practice activities - Quality improvement projects IV. Recommendation for Organization Change a. Recommendation b. Rationale Consider: How does the change address the organization's weaknesses? How does it address the community's needs? c. Measurement of effectiveness Consider: Identify a national benchmark of performance and describe a clear plan to measure the effectiveness of your proposed change over time. V. Conclusion VI. References
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Consultative Change Proposal Student: Professor: Institution: Course title: Date: Introduction When the pressure ulcer survey was conducted in health care organizations, there was an increase of two quarters, in a row. The documented bathing on patients was 48-50% in a given twenty four-hour period. The leadership had then wished for a change in registered nurses (RN) and patient care attendants (PCAs) to get the statistics below the benchmark. This led to the assigning of a nursing consultant, in order to analyze the health care organizations and to come up with changes, recommendations, and improvements that would reduce the spike in pressure ulcers and statistics of pressure ulcers The Consultation process The consultation process will involve identifying that the health organization needs help and then establishing a helping relationship with desired outcomes; thereafter, identifying the problems (weaknesses) and coming up with a diagnostic analysis through HCAHPS scores, community needs, patient metrics, and comparison to other facilities. This will be followed by goal projection, an action plan, and a recommendation from the findings, which will be presented to the executive board of the health care organization. The health care organization that will be analyzed is the Mayo clinic, which has been providing care for patient population aged 18 years and over on all services excluding labour and delivery, paediatrics and inpatient psych. Organizational analysis Description of Mayo clinic Mayo clinic is a non-profit organization that has committed its time and resources to clinical practice, providing expert patient care, research and education to everyone that needs to be healed. Mayo clinic is located in several states and has campuses in Arizona, Minnesota and Florida. The health care organization that will be focused on however, is the Mayo health clinic in Rochester, Minnesota. According to the December 2015 statistics conducted by the Mayo Clinic, the number of employees (staff physicians and scientists) was 4500. The resident personnel were 2,000. The health staffs in the clinics and hospitals were 57,100, totalling the medical personnel to 64,000. The patients statistics included clinic patients of approximately1, 318,300; hospital admissions of about 128,000, and hospital days for patient care of about 641,000 patients (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Organization chart The board of trustees are in charge of the election of the officers and directors of the Mayo clinic. The chair of the board of trustees is the topmost of the leadership structure, followed by the CEO and president of the Mayo clinic, thereafter, the vice president of the Mayo clinic at different locations. After that, there is the CFO, CLO secretary, treasurers and assistant treasures at different locations of the health organization. The Mayo clinic is divided into different medical departments based on the type of disease or illness and its corresponding research. The head of the department, on each illness, is the leader of the organizational chart, and the advisory committee monitors them. This rank is then followed by research and education departments. The organization is physician led and it functions through physician committees and administrated policy. This policy involves the physician leader working with administrative partners in a horizontal, consensus structure. The physicians work in rotational assignments on leadership roles and committee roles, in order to foster contribution and progression in the work setting. The board of governors provides enterprise governance under the advice of the Mayo Board of Trustees (Mayo Clinic, 2014). Services The service areas available in the Mayo clinic include the chemotherapy centre that supports patients receiving chemotherapy treatments through providing medication and refreshments; gastro intestinal centres; infusion therapy centres; outpatient dialysis centres that engrosses and interacts with patients getting dialysis treatments; radiation centres that supports patients receiving radiation therapy and visitors waiting for them, and last but not least, the surgical messenger and centres that delivers messages to families whose patients are going to surgery. There are also gift shops, optical shops and transport services that the Mayo clinic provides (Mayo Clinic, 2016). Primary needs of the population served by Mayo clinic The 2010 census recorded the population of Olmsted County as 144,248, with approximately 74% of the population (106,769), residing in Rochester city. The census figure also showed that 25.2% of the population is made up of those under 18 years, whereas, adults that are 65 years and older, make up 12.6% of the Olmsted County population (Health Assessment and Planning Division, 2013). The Community Health Needs Assessment (CHNA) conducted in 2013 for Olmsted county that collaborated with the Olmsted County Public Health, the Olmsted Medical Centre And the Mayo Clinic in Rochester, upholds that the primary health risk impacting the people of Minnesota are mental health, obesity, homelessness, diabetes, and vaccine preventable diseases. 10% of the youth are depressed and sad, and the adults record 3 days of mental issues monthly. 64% of the adults in Olmsted County are overweight with a BMI reading of more than 25.0. In addition, 28% of these adults are obese as their BMI reads more than 30.0. The assessment also showed that 26% of adults in the county have been stressed and worried about having enough money to pay their monthly bills. Of the total population, 8% have diabetes and of these, 20% of them are adults above 65 years old. Finally, 75% of the children in Olmsted County have been immunized with the recommended immunization series and 60% of the residents receive annual flu shots (Health Assessment and Planning Division, 2013). Nurse leader interview summary Nurse leader role A nurse leader should gain a concrete background for practice in humanities and sciences through incorporating nursing and linked sciences to provide advanced nursing care to a diverse population. The role also involves the nurse leader to integrate developing and existing genetic trends in providing innovative care. Additionally, the nurse leader role should apply proper clinical analysis and reasoning to estimate, measure, and intervene nursing care delivery; to utilize quality processes and improvement science to ensure the safety of the patients, and finally, to analyze the history of nursing so that they expand their thinking and provide professional identity and heritage to their work (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Nurse leader role is in organizational and system leadership should involve an application of leadership and decision making skills to come up with high quality nursing care, health care coordination, and accountability for outcomes and delivery. Furthermore, the nurse leader should demonstrate one’s ability to utilize complex science and system theory in the design, delivery and evaluation of healthcare; understand how healthcare delivery system functions, how they are financed, and the system`s influence on the patient, economy, political and legal factors (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Nurse leader role ensures quality improvement and safety through analysis of information on quality initiatives that healthcare professionals and individuals contribute to, to ensure advanced health care. This is also done through analysis of design systems, in order to foster transparency, and to direct methods of quality improvement that would integrate socio-cultural factors that affect nursing and healthcare delivery (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Nurse leaders’ role involves integrating scholarship into practice by integrating theory, research, judgment, and expert views to advance practice and results for patients; executing demanding critique of the suggestions acquired from records to come up with nursing practice evidence; participating, leading, and collaborating with teams that improve healthcare outcomes; supporting policy changes through knowledge distribution, generation, development and execution (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Nurse leaders have a role in informatics and healthcare technology, through analyzing the technologies that support safe environment practice to optimize on health outcomes, safety of the patients and the cost and support lifelong learning for oneself and others. Nurse leaders also utilize resources like technological information and communication, and learning principles to teach patients and other people on effective health care delivery (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Nurse leaders have a huge role to play in health policy and advocacy. They formulate how policies affect structure and finance of healthcare practice and outcomes; participate in the implementation of policies in the local, state and international level; examine the legal status of regulation process on nursing practice, delivery and healthcare outcome, and finally, they advocate for policies that will enhance public health and nursing profession (American Association of Colleges of Nursing, 2011). Nurse leaders play an important role in inter professional collaboration and enhancing the outcomes of health of the patients and population through understanding the scope of the health professions to maximize any contributions in the health care. They also mentor new and experienced nurses of the healthcare group, and they use collaborative strategi...
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