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Portfolio Milestone Quality and Risk Management

Essay Instructions:
Review the requirements for the Portfolio Project. Prepare and submit a bibliography of research sources that you plan to use for the Portfolio Project. The bibliography should include at least 6-8 credible reference sources including at least one peer-reviewed article from the CSU-Global Library. The bibliography entries must be formatted per the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Portfolio Project Submit a paper that identifies and examines two distinct types of sentinel events that frequently occur in healthcare organizations. The error types that you select must be significantly different; for example, patient suicide and wrong-site surgery. In writing this paper, you should consider and address (as necessary) the following: What system factors influence organizational performance? How do accreditation standards or government regulations guide performance and process design? What is the role of the quality or risk manager in addressing the issues? What processes and techniques can be used to investigate, prevent, and control these types of events now and in the future? What measures can be used to assess the performance of the organization and the risk management plan in this area as it relates to patient safety? What impact could these events have on organizational performance, compliance, and accreditation? Your paper should be well-written and meet the following requirements: 8-10 pages in length. Formatted according to the CSU-Global Guide to Writing and APA Requirements. Include at least six references from the peer-reviewed articles. The CSU-Global Library is a good place to find peer-reviewed articles.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
PORTFOLIO MILESTONE QUALITY AND RISK MANAGEMENT Name: Institutional Affiliation: Portfolio Milestone Quality and Risk Management Sentinel events are considered as unplanned occurrences that involve serious injuries and death including psychological injuries on patients, an aspect that denotes the need for immediate investigations and response(Huang, et.al.2014). The top sentimental events used in this study include suicide and wrong site surgeries. These events result from systematic problems and may not be considered as a mistake of an individual. The primary root cause of these events includes inadequacies in communication resulting from wrong assessments of a patient’s condition. On the other hand, improper trainings, inadequate leadership skills, and orientations are also perceived as contributors to these sentinel events(Huang, et.al.2014). Other causes that play a significant role in sentinel events include great patient acuity, comorbidities among the patients, the dependence on medical technologies, the reduced stay in hospitals, and the shortages in health workers. System Factors that Influence Organizational Performance There are several approaches that are used to guide studies driven towards examining the system designs that relate to the safety of patients and the handling of medical errors (Hampton, 2011). The Donabedians model, SEIPS model, Reason/Vincent models are consequently used in this process. These models consequently suggest different work systems that include: 1 Factors related to the Individuals such as educational qualifications, psychological characters, skills, motivation of individuals, and different needs. 2 Factors related to the environment that includes loyalty, the design of different work stations, lighting, humidity, and layout (Hampton, 2011). 3 Factors that relate to tasks meted out such as time pressures, job content, challenges, job demands, the increase of workloads, and autonomy (Andersen, & Schrøder, 2012). 4 Factors related to an organization such as work schedules, team work, supervisory and management approaches, collaboration, communication, and organizational culture. 5 Factors related to technology that includes electronic health records, medical devices, bar coding modifications, and human factors that relate to the usability of technologies (Andersen, & Schrøder, 2012). AccreditationStandards and How They Guide Performance Health care institutions need to be accredited in a bid to mete out medical care in a satisfactory manner through the organization and dispensation of medical resources e...
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