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Nursing Concerns Related to Global Climate Change

Essay Instructions:

For the purpose of this assignment, consider the implications of global climate change on health now and in the future. Write a 3- to 5- page paper which outlines two healthcare concerns related to global climate change. Topics could include: increased exposure to vectors that transmit Zika, West Nile Virus or Malaria, respiratory problems, or food distribution problems due to drought or lack of water and heat related illness. Compare concerns in the U.S. with one developed and one developing country on this topic. Include health promotion/health protection strategies a nurse could implement. Support your ideas with references from the professional nursing literature. Please use the use the AWE 4000 Level Template and refer to the companion AWE 4000 Level Template Instructions The template includes the correct font and formatting: 12 pt. Times New Roman font, double spacing, and 1 inch margins on all sides. Subheadings needed

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Nursing concerns related to Global Climate Change
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Nursing Concerns Related To Global Climate Change
Climate change has a huge impact on human health since climate and weather tend to have varied and significant influences on people’s wellbeing. Studies have revealed that different people are affected based on the amount of health hazards that they are exposed to, and this tends to affect various countries in a variety of ways (Crimmins, Balbus& Gamble, et al., 2016). In addition, although climate change is often analyzed individually, people who are exposed to multiple threats of climate change factors are affected by cascading or compounding health impacts.
World Health Organization (WHO) published a report showing that approximately 12.6 million individuals worldwide die every year due to environmental aspects like severe weather, high pollution, and other illnesses related to climate (Howard, 2017). Numerous health consequences currently related to global climate change may worsen in the future, particularly when it comes to illnesses such as malaria and respiratory illnesses. The United States is among the developed countries affected by global climate change, including other developed and undeveloped countries.
Concerns in the U.S. and Canada
Research studies have revealed that close to 127 million people in the U.S. are exposed to health problems associated with global climate change, including smog pollution which leads to asthma and other respiratory allergies (Leiserowitz, Maibach&Roser, et al., 2014). Smog takes place when pollution originating from vehicles, industries, power plants and different sources react, leading to the creation of ground-level ozone. This is one of the major components of smog (Ginty, 2017). Furthermore, sunlight and varying temperatures tend to increase the speed and process of the formation of increased amount of smog. Drier and warmer fall weather in the U.S. tends to extend the smog season experienced in the U.S. and this takes place in numerous regions.
A report published by the American Lung Association showed that close to 40% of of people in the U.S. live in regions that are categorized as unhealthy ozone regions due to different forms of pollution (Ginty, 2017). These pollutions have been responsible for the global warming processes leading to health complications since smog triggers cardiovascular and other breathing problems among individuals with asthma and allergy problems. According to Leiserowitz, Maibach and Roser, et al (2014), one in three (31%) people in the U.S. say that global warming affects the American people, with studies showing that one in six people in a family are affected by the health challenges. This is clearly indicated in the figure below.
Groups vulnerable to global warming (Leiserowitz, Maibach and Roser, et al., 2014)
Canada is among the developed countries that are affected by climate change and this has resulted to a number of health challenges. Just like the U.S., Canadians are affected by respiratory illnesses that are associated with the effect of air pollution. Studies have revealed that climate change occurs as a result of human activities and this leads to worsening weather conditions including changes to natural systems. According to experts, climate change in Canada varies by region, but it has generally resulted to warmer temperatures, hotter and longer summers, and milder and shorter winters (canada.ca, 2015). This also includes weather that is more intense, frequent and severe, including thunderstorms, hurricanes, floods, wildfires, and drought.
People in both the U.S. and Canada are faced with respiratory problems associated global warming factors such as heat stress during hot weather, hypothermia during cold days, and injuries and accidents during severe weather such as floods. In Canada, areas such as Ontario, Quebec, and Prairies are exposed to hotter temperatures, drier and hotter weather conditions, lengthy and severe droughts, and intense heat that increase the risks of suffering from respiratory illnesses (canada.ca, 2015). On the same note, between approximately 60,000 to 80,000 people in the U.S. die due to air pollution that usually emanates from fossil fuels. According to Patz, who is a l...
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