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Concept analysis of trust in nursing

Essay Instructions:
Determine critical or defining attributes of trust by identifying what each instance or use of the term has in common
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Concept Analysis: Trust in Nursing Name: Institutional Affiliation: Course: Date: Concept Analysis: Trust Introduction Bell & Duffy (2009) define concept analysis as a formal linguistic exercise undertaken to determine particular defining attributes. Ideally, concept analysis helps classify unclear theoretical concepts while proposing precise definitions (Bell & Duffy, 2009). Undertaking a concept analysis of trust is not only relevant to nursing knowledge but also to nursing science. First, the concept analysis of trust sets the basis for string therapeutic relationships. Secondly, concept analysis of trust health professionals, especially nurses will understand factors that undermine or contribute to the patient. Concept analysis of trust is also crucial for strong professional collaboration and cultural considerations considering that trust is shaped largely by contextual factors, cultural norms, and experiences. Conceptualization Cambridge Dictionary defines trust as, “the belief that someone is good and honest and will not harm you, or that something is safe and reliable.” Merriam-Webster dictionary defines trust as, “assured reliance on the character, ability, strength, or truth of someone or something.” Finally, the Oxford Learners Dictionary defines trust as, “to have confidence in somebody; to believe that somebody is good, sincere, honest, etc.” accordingly, the Thesaurus entry lists “count on” and “rely on” as trust’s synonyms. According to Small, Small, & Green (2023), trust is a vital aspect of nursing care and is critical in the nurse-patient relationship. Yew (2021) considers trust as the firm belief in the truth, reliability, or strength of a person. Accordingly, a trustworthy person is characterized as responsible and reliable (Enwereuzor et al., 2020). More so, mutual trust sta...
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